Balaton Limnological Research Institute - Balaton Limnological Research Institute

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Contact Balaton Limnological Research Institute

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Klebelsberg Kuno u. 3, 8237 Hungary

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Klebelsberg Kuno u. 3, 8237 Hungary
Nándor Pálfi on Google

A kutatóintézet maga szép helyen van, és gondozott a környezete. Könnyen megközelíthető autóval és tömegközlekedéssel egyaránt. Gyalog 20 perc alatt fel lehet érni az Apátságig. A vendégkutatók számára fenntartott szállások viszont hagynak kívánni valót maguk után. Egy kis modernizáció ráférne a '70-es évek munkásszállóinak hangulatát idéző szobákra.
The research institute itself is in a beautiful location and has taken care of its surroundings. Easily accessible by car and public transport. The Abbey can be reached on foot in 20 minutes. However, accommodations reserved for visiting researchers leave something to be desired. A little modernization would fit into rooms that evoke the atmosphere of workers ’hostels in the’ 70s.
Hà Duyên Châu on Google

Tôi được mời đi dự Hội thảo khoa học và Lễ kỷ niệm 50 năm ngày khánh thành Đài Vật lý địa cầu Tihany của Hung Ga Ry tại thủ đô Bu Đa Pét vào tháng 6/2006, tổ chức tại Balaton Limnological Research Institute (Viện nghiên cứu về hồ tại Balaton), năm ngay bên bờ hồ Balaton. Cảnh vật ở đây tuyệt vời. Rộng rãi, thoáng đãng. Viện có Hội trường lớn rất tốt cho Hội thảo. Vị trí của Viện đẹp, sát ngay bờ hồ, thuận tiện cho khách có thể du lịch, dạo, ngắm cảnh, gần các nơi vui chơi, giải trí, nghỉ mát. Hoa cỏ, cây lá tạo không khí mát mẻ, thoải mái.
I was invited to attend the Scientific Conference and the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of the Tihany Geophysical Station of Hung Ga Ry in the capital Bu Da Pet in June 2006, held at Balaton Limnological Research Institute (Research Institute) rescued to the lake in Balaton), year right on the shore of Lake Balaton. The scenery here is amazing. Spacious, airy. The Institute has a great Hall for the Conference. Location of the beautiful Institute, close to the lake, convenient for guests to travel, stroll, sightseeing, close to places of entertainment, entertainment and vacation. Grass flowers, leaf trees create a cool, comfortable atmosphere.
Zsuzsanna Varga on Google

Nyílt napon látogattuk meg az intézményt. Érdekes információkat kaptunk a tó élővilágáról, az intézet által folytatott kísérletekről, kutatásokról.
We visited the institution on an open day. We received interesting information about the wildlife of the lake, about the experiments and research carried out by the institute.
Bálint Bánó on Google

A kutatóintézet minden évben várja az ide látogatókat a nyílt nap alkalmával amikor lehetőség nyílik bepillantani sok más mellett a Balaton élővilágával foglalkozó kutatásokba. Több előadás, illetve kisgyermekes foglalkozás is várja az ide látogatókat. Csoportok számára előre egyeztetett időpontban egész évben van lehetőség bemutatók illetve előadások megtekintésére. Valamint az intézet álltal működtetett vendégházban lehetőség van szállást is foglalni, ami a saját strand használatára is feljogosít a nyári szezonban.
Every year, the research institute welcomes visitors here on the occasion of the open day, when it is possible to get a glimpse into research on the wildlife of Lake Balaton, among many others. Several lectures and classes with small children await visitors. Groups have the opportunity to watch presentations or lectures throughout the year at a pre-arranged time. It is also possible to book accommodation in the guest house run by the institute, which entitles you to use your own beach during the summer season.
Zoltan Szalai on Google

Dolgozni és pihenni is jó itt! A szálló kívül és belül is a Monarchia idejének hangulatát idézi.
It is also good to work and relax here! The hostel evokes the atmosphere of the Monarchy, both inside and out.
Gyula Elekes on Google

Excellent pleasure Highley recommended
Viktor Tóth on Google

Nice surroundings, best beach in the area.
Ákos Muráti on Google

Beautiful guesthouse and research facility with huge garden and shore. It has an amazing view to Lake Balaton. The building was constructed in 1927 and in addition to its classic beauty it has recently won a Florist award as well.

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