PPH - Hunor Trade Zrt. - Nyílt Akadémia - PPH / Hunor Trade Zrt. / Nyílt Akadémia

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Árpád út 56, 1042 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +778
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Website : http://hunortrade.hu/
Categories :

Árpád út 56, 1042 Hungary
Szabó Szabó Adrienn on Google

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Utolsó esély....
Last chance....

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Pozitív célú szervezet központja.
Headquarters of a positive organization.
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Minden értelmes,tudásra vágyónak ajánlom!
I recommend it to all sensible, knowledge-conscious!
Ágnes Tánczos on Google

Az előadàsok nagyon,èrdekesek,sokat lehet belőlük tanulni!
The lectures are very, interesting, you can learn a lot from them!
Imre Bodo on Google

Szedlacsek Miklos mestertol szeretnek erdeklodni az eloadasaival kapcsolatosan. A hullokrol tartott ertekezeseiben, ha jol ertettem, valami ertelmes hullokrol tett emlitest, akik vagy amelyek, valamilyen furcsa oknal fogva, lemenekultek, vagy bemenekultek a fold melysegeinek uregeibe; nem is keves melysegekbe, hanem tobbkilometeres tavolsagokra, a fold kergetol szamitva. Ezeknek a sarkanyoknak nevezett elolenyeknek a fold uregeibe valo menekuleserol sem hagyta valasz nelkul a hallgatosagot; ugy ertem, a fold belsejebe valo menekules okarol is szepen egyertelmuen tajekoztatta az eloadasa irant erdeklodoket. Az ok valamifele, ha jol emlekszem emberszabasu, vagy nem emberszabasu lenyekkel valo csatarozasok kovetkezmenyei elol valo menekules lehetett. Ezek a sarkany tipusu hullok, ha az emlekezetem megegyezik az eloado mester altal kibocsatott ismeretekkel, meg ma is, napjainkban is ott elnek a fold "gyomranak" is nevezheto melyseges, magma, vagy lava kozeli uregeiben. Szedlacsek ur meg arrol is emlitest tett, miszerint ezek a sarkanyok tuz-kibocsatasra is alkalmasok, s ezt allitolag, vagy nem allitolag a tudomany igazolta. Ezek szerint, ahogy a coach mester szajan, es azutan az internetnek is nevezett vilaghalon keresztul ertesultem, a mesekben szereplo, tuzokado sarkanyoknak, valos alapjuk van. Ezzel az elbeszelessel kapcsolatosan, a kovetkezo kerdeseim lennenek, amelyekre nem kaptam valaszt. A szeretet, bekes es boldog elet terjesztesere szakosodott es elkotelezett coach mesterhez ezeknek a Fold bolygo kozeppontja iranyaba menekulo elolenyeknek az eletfelteteleirol szolna az erdeklodesem. A mester ur tajekoztatott arrol, miszerint ezek a hullo fajtak is, nagyon meleg-kedvelok. Ezt megjobban kihangsulyozando/kiemelendo, az eloado arrol is tett emlitest, miszerit a sarkoknal nem elnek hullok. A foldi korulmenyekhez szokott elolenyeknek, eddigi ismereteim szerint, a melegen, a megfelelo homersekleten kivul fenyre, es ahogy tudomasom van rola, nem is akarmilyen, hanem napfenyre, es a fold anyagaibol szarmazo elelemre is szukseguk van. A meleg, tegyuk fel egyertelmu; magma kozeli eletter, meleg biztositott. A napfeny, es az eletfenntartasat biztosito energia hozzaferesevel kapcsolatosan volnanak ketsegeim. Talan idokozonkent fel-fel bukkannak a fold felszinere, felmereszkednek, es ovatosan, eszrevetlenul, hogy valaki eszre ne vegye, meg ne hallja oket, friss levegot vesznek, merthogy a foldi korulmenyekhez alkalmazkodott elolenyeknek legjobb tudasom szerint erre is szukseguk van. Levegovetel, es a korulmenyek altal adott lehetosegeknek megfeleloen taplalekhoz jutasrol is gondoskodnak. A taplalekhoz valo jutashoz vadaszatra van szukseguk, merthogy az eloado urtol ugy ertesultem, miszerint az osszes hullo ragadozo. A vadaszatot is nagy ovatossaggal kell megejtsek; na de egyebkent a nagy korultekintes es ovatossag, azt gondolom a vadaszat velejaroja. A gondolataim meg arra is probaltak kiterni, miszerint az o teremtoik gondoskodnak szamukra eletfeltetelekrol, de vegul is ezt nagyon minimalis valoszinusegunek tartom, mert ismereteim szerint, a satannak nevezett anti-isten, es a hozza csatlakozott, demonoknak nevezett, es az eloado szerint a 4-7. dimenzioban letezo, leledzo lenyekre nem jellemzo, a valakirol, vagy valamirol valo gondoskodas. Ez mar a szeretet iranyaba elmozdulokra jellemzo, es nem az ember-gyilkosokra. Na, hat en probaltam megadni a valaszt magamnak, de hat az utolso szo lehet az eloadoe, gondolom ehhez van is joga. A valaszadas, azt gondolom a temat eloadonak nemcsak joga, kotelessege is. A valaszadast nyiltan teszi-e meg, vagy a szemelyes jelenlet a feltetele a valaszra erdemesulesnek, ez mar az eloado valasztasa, dontese, netalan, strategiaja, illetoleg taktikaja. Mindenekelott fontos tudnia rola, miszerint ilyen iranyu erdeklodes is van. Koszonom Imre
Szedlacsek likes to inquire about Master Miklos about his lecturers. In his assertions of corpses, if I understood him well, he made a myth of some sensible corpses, who or which, for some strange reason, fled, or fled into the lords of the folds of the fold; not just for a few miles, but for miles around, counted on the fold. He did not leave silence to these elves, called the elves, for escaping into the folds of the fold; I understand that the reason for the escape inside the fold was also clear to those interested in his lecture. For some reason, if I remember well, it could have been an escape from the consequences of fighting with human or non-human beings. These red-type corpses, if my memory is the same as the knowledge emitted by the lecturing master, still exist today in the folds of magma, magma, or lava, which can also be called the "stomach" of the fold. Mr. Szedlacsek also mentioned that these poles are also suitable for fire emissions, and this has been confirmed allitol or not allitol by science. According to them, as the coach master was saying, and then I went through a world halo called the Internet, the tale-tongue-in-cheek fireballs have a good foundation. In connection with this narrative, I would have the following questioners for which I have not received an answer. Spreading love, affection and happiness to a specialized and committed coach master, these Fold Planet Centered Adventures would be a lifeline. The master ur informed me that these hull species are also very gay-loving. This is a more prominent / highlighted body mentioned in the performance, which is not corpse with corners. To the best of my knowledge, the folds used to fold the folds go beyond the heat, and as far as I know, they do not need any, but sunlight and the material from the fold material. For warmth, let's just say; magma near eletter, warm insured. I have concerns about sunlight and access to energy for sustenance. Perhaps the folds of the fold appear up and down at times, and cleverly, unobtrusively, so that no one notices, hears them, or breathes freshly, because, to the best of my knowledge, the folds adapted to the folds of the fold need it. They will also provide you with experience of taking off and the opportunities afforded by the crowd. You need to go hunting for the experience, because I was convinced by the artist that all the predators were. The game must also be killed with great accuracy; but on the other hand, the great age and care, I think, is inherent in hunting. My thoughts also tried to show that their creators provide living conditions for them, but in the end I consider this to be a very minimal probability because, to my knowledge, the anti-god called satan, and the demons who joined him, called demons, -7. dimensionless, non-lethal, caring for somebody or something. This is typical of the movements of love, not human killers. Well, I tried to give myself the answer, but six the last word could be eloadoe, I think you have a right to that. The answer, I think, is not only the right but also the duty of the subject. Whether you do the answer openly, or whether the personal scene is a prerequisite for the answer to be successful, is the choice, the dontese, the net, the strategy and the tactics of the performer. Above all, it is important to know that you have such an interest. Thanks Imre

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