Tower International - Egyetem tér - Tower International - Egyetem tér

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

About Tower International - Egyetem tér

Budapest's Leading
Property Services Group

At Tower International we provide property services to landlords, investors and tenants in Budapest. Tower is a well-established company with over 90 staff in 5 offices and 15 years of experience‎ in meeting the needs of local and international clients‎. We are dedicated to deliver a professional, quality service, respecting our customers along the way.


Contact Tower International - Egyetem tér

Address :

Egyetem tér 5, 1053 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +889777
Postal code : 5
Website :
Categories :

Egyetem tér 5, 1053 Hungary
Сергей Мороз on Google

Vladimir Novacek on Google

God informasjon, profesjonell hjelp i forbindelse med eiendom. Som utlendinger med eiendom i Ungarn har denne informasjonen og assistansen vært helt nødvendig.
Good information, professional help in connection with real estate. As foreigners with property in Hungary, this information and assistance has been absolutely necessary.
Ambrus Kaposi on Google

A Tower Ingatlanon keresztül vettünk lakást, az ingatlanos Bancsi Beáta volt, aki kedvesen és segítőkészen intézett mindent. Mindenkinek jó szívvel ajánlanám.
We bought an apartment through Tower Ingatlan, the real estate was Beáta Bancsi, who arranged everything kindly and helpfully. I would recommend it to everyone with a good heart.
Gergo Fazekas on Google

Bizonyára sokan dolgoznak a Towernél és minden ember más-más stílusban közvetít. Mi Bancsi Beátával voltunk kapcsolatban, akinek korrekt, pragmatikus és kompetens hozzáállása nagy segítségünkre volt.
Surely a lot of people work at Tower and each person mediates in a different style. We were in contact with Beáta Bancsi, whose correct, pragmatic and competent attitude was of great help to us.
Tünde Dr. Hegyi on Google

Levente egy II. keruleti panoramas, negyszobas ingatlan ertekesiteseben segitett nekem. Mar az elso talalkozaskor rokonszenves volt. A lakast a legkorultekintobben merte fel, es oszinten elmonta az elonyoket es hatranyokat is. Erdekelte az is, hogy hova koltoznek, es segitseget ezen a teruleten is felajanlotta. Mar az elso alkalomra tobb komoly vevojeloltet hozott, alapos elokeszitest vegzett a hatterben. Ebben nagy szerepet jatszott, hogy a lakasom arat tokeletesen iranyozta be: nem lett ijesztoen felulertekelt, ugyanakkor nekem is lehetoseget adott a maximumot kihozasara. Az ingatlan rekord gyorsasaggal, hat nap alatt kelt el, a hirdetett artol alig kevesebbert:)) Meg kell emlitenem a Levente mogott allo stabot is, a fotos, az epitesz energetikus, es nem utolsosorban a cegvezetes is a legsegitokeszebb volt. Nyugodtan adtam a Tower Ingatlannak kizarolagos megbizast. Tunde
Levente is an II. district panorama, four-room property helped me sell. Mar was sympathetic at the first meeting. He surveyed the dweller in the most prudent way and also shared the advantages and limitations. He was also interested in where they were moving, and he offered help in this area as well. For the first time, he brought several serious customer signings, a thorough pre-test in the hatter. It played a big role in this that my apartment reaped the harvest perfectly: it didn’t become frighteningly overpriced, but at the same time it gave me the opportunity to get the most out of it. The property was sold in record speed, in six days, the advertised artol barely fewer :)) I have to mention the allo stab of Levente mogott, the photographer, the epithet was energetic, and last but not least the company manager was the most helpful. I calmly gave Tower Real an exclusive commission. Elvish
Hofstetter Petronella on Google

Nagyon meg voltunk elegedve Nagy Levente igatlanos munkajaval, a kapcsolatfelvetelt kovetoen szuper gyorsan, 1 het alatt talalt vevot lakasunkhoz, megpedig szamunkra megfelelo aron. Folyamatosan tajekoztatott a fejlemenyekrol, minden felmerulo kerdeste keszseggel valaszolt. Vegig rugalmas volt es segitokesz. Csak ajanlani tudom ot is, es a Towert is!
We were very pleased with Levente Nagy's inexperienced work, and the contact was very quick to buy our home for a week or so. He was constantly reporting on the developments, picking up everything that arose. It was flexible and helpful. I can only keep up with it, and the Tower too!
Zoltan Babaly on Google

Óbudán kerestünk telket és az ingatlanhirdetések között böngészve az egyik nagyon megtetszett. Mivel több nagy iroda is hirdette ugyanazt az ingatlant, ezért sorra felhívtuk a hirdetőket. Köztük volt Nagy Levente is a Tower Ingatlantól, aki már a telefonban egyértelművé tette számunkra, hogy vele kell tovább folytatni a tárgyalásokat. Szerencsére a személyes találkozásunk alkalmával sem csalódtunk. Amit szeretnék kiemelni vele kapcsolatban, hogy nemcsak az adásvétel pillanatáig támogatott minket és mindvégig úgy éreztük, jó kezekben van az ügyünk. Az eladón is éreztük, hogy hasonló benyomást tett rá. Türelmes, közvetlen és együttműködő személyisége, kreatív és nyitott gondolkodása sokat segített nekünk. Jó szívvel ajánlom mindenkinek, aki egy felkészült szakembert szeretne megbízni ingatlanügyeinek intézésére. Köszönjük!
We were looking for a plot in Óbuda and browsing through real estate advertisements, one of them really liked it. Since several large offices have advertised the same property, we have called advertisers in a row. Among them was Levente Nagy, from Tower Real Estate, who had already made it clear to us on the phone that he had to continue the negotiations with him. Fortunately, we were not disappointed at our personal meeting. What I would like to highlight about it is that we have not only supported us until the moment of the sale and we have always felt in good hands. We also felt the seller had a similar impression. His patient, direct and cooperative personality, creative and open mindedness helped us a lot. I would like to recommend it to everyone who wants to entrust a trained professional to the real estate affairs. Thank You!
D. 1337 on Google

I came to Budapest without a flat. I decided to go to Tower Budapest to find a flat. I would like to thank you very much for the help of Alexandra. Through her, I had received my new apartment in under 24 hours. could kiss you for your help really !!! I would also like to thank Erik for the help. Hope you had a good holiday full score of mine. Thank you

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