Zinajda Jósnő-Jóslás - Zinajda Jósnő-Jóslás

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Contact Zinajda Jósnő-Jóslás

Address :

Vay Ádám krt. 4-1/103, 4400 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +778779
Postal code : 4-1
Website : http://www.zinajda.hu/
Categories :

Vay Ádám krt. 4-1/103, 4400 Hungary
Júlia Balassi on Google

VIGYÁZAT CSALÓK!: Ne dőljetek be, mint én! Most tudtam meg a rendőrségtől ezeket az igazságokat. Jogerősen három és fél év letöltendő börtönbüntetésre ítélte a Nyíregyházi Törvényszék azt a SÉNYŐI férfit, akit az interneten mágusnak és jósnőnek adta ki magát, és így csaknem 4,5 millió forintot csalt ki nyolcvan embertől. K. L.-t – aki elsősorban Calipto mágus álnéven hírdette magát interneten s különböző fórumokon az elsőfokú ítéletet helybenhagyva – információs rendszer felhasználásával elkövetett csalás bűntettében találta bűnösnek a másodfokú bíróság. A férfi bűntársát – a feleségét : K.-né A. Á ,aki akkor elsősorban Cirilla és mostanában Zinajda álnéven – egy év négy hónap, két évre felfüggesztett börtönbüntetésre ítélték. A megállapított tényállás szerint a férfi 2015-ben női névvel jelentkezett be egy közösségi oldalon, s különböző Fórumokon ,ahol felváltva hamisan jósnőként és mágusként tüntette fel magát. Így ismerkedett meg a sértettekkel, akiknek a bankkártyájuk adataiért cserébe “pénzenergia küldését” ígérte. Miután a sértettek megadták a bankkártyájuk adatait, a számlákon lévő összegeket a vádlott különböző, interneten elérhető szerencsejátékokra használta fel. A két vádlott ezzel a módszerrel négy hónap alatt mintegy 4,5 millió forint kárt okozott nyolcvan sértettnek. Az elsőrendű vádlott egy másik esetben azzal keresett meg “mágusként” egy asszonyt, hogy lát egy nőt, aki el akarja venni tőle a férjét, ezért “szolgáltatást” ajánlott fel neki. A sértett ezt elutasította, mire a vádlott azzal fenyegette meg, hogy megátkozza őt és a gyerekeit, ha nem fizet neki. A fenyegetés hatására az asszony összesen 6,5 millió forintot utalt át a férfi bankszámlájára. (MTI)
CAUTION FRAUD !: Don't fall like me! I just learned these truths from the police. The Nyíregyháza General Court sentenced the SÉNYŐI man, who pretended to be a magician and a fortune teller on the Internet, to three and a half years in prison, and thus cheated almost 4.5 million forints from eighty people. K. L., who advertised himself primarily under the pseudonym Calipto on the Internet and in various forums, upholding the verdict at first instance, was found guilty by the appellate court of fraud in the use of an information system. The man's accomplice - his wife: Mrs. K. A. Á, who was then primarily under the pseudonym Cirilla and more recently Zinajda - was sentenced to one year four months, suspended for two years. According to the established facts, in 2015 the man logged in with a female name on a social site and in various Forums, where he alternately falsely pretended to be a fortune teller and mage. This is how he got to know the victims, to whom he promised to “send money energy” in exchange for their credit card details. After the victims provided their credit card details, the amounts in the accounts were used by the accused for various online gambling games. With this method, the two defendants caused about HUF 4.5 million in damage to eighty victims in four months. In another case, the first-degree defendant approached a woman as a “magician” to see a woman who wanted to take her husband away from her, so she offered her a “service”. The victim refused this, and the accused threatened to curse him and his children if he did not pay him. As a result of the threat, the woman transferred a total of HUF 6.5 million to the man's bank account. (MTI)
Nagy Edina on Google

roinneadh Thèid gach òran de na trì còmhlain mu dheireadh a chluich ann an timcheall air 500 stòr Ungaireach, agus bidh Petőfi Rádió a’ cuairteachadh aon de na pìosan duais sònraichte aige. Bidh cothrom aig tagraichean cuideachd òran 1 a thoirt a-steach do phrìomh fhilm às an Ungair Tha geall nas motha aig Rannsachadh Tàlant Fülesbagoly, a tha air a chumail a-rithist ann an trì bailtean mòra, Debrecen, Budapest agus Martonvásár, na bha e a-riamh. A bharrachd air duaisean traidiseanta leithid cuirmean fèis, ro-chòmhlan agus sgaoileadh chlàran, bheir an luchd-eagrachaidh duaisean sònraichte seachad cuideachd. Tachartas Facebook ann an Debrecen Tachartas Facebook ann am Budapest Tachartas Facebook ann am Martonvásár Tha Rannsachadh Tàlant an Iarla Owl a’ tòiseachadh ann an Debrecen; Thèid a’ chiad chuairt dheireannach a chumail air 8 Cèitean ann an seòmar gàrraidh Tùr Uisge Nagyerdei. Thèid seo a leantainn aig Gàrradh Kobuci ann am Budapest air 10 Iuchar, agus aig Ionad Cultarail Brunswick-Beethoven air 11 Sultain ann am Martonvásár. Tha an luchd-rannsachaidh tàlant neo-eisimeileach bho chèile, faodaidh iad uile tagradh a dhèanamh bho Linne Carpathian gu luchd-ciùil agus ensembles Ungaireach a bhios a’ cruthachadh ann an stoidhle sam bith de cheòl aotrom. Bheir an luchd-eagrachaidh seachad 83 duaisean uile gu lèir dha na trì scouts tàlant. Tha duaisean a’ toirt a-steach coileanadh Tbh, fios clàir, nochdadh anns na meadhanan, togail dhealbhan, riochdachadh bhidio, dealbhadh ìomhaighean, ro-chòmhlan, agus cuirmean fèis ann an 2023 (me, FEZEN, Campus Festival, SZIN, Valley of the Arts, Black Noise). Bidh na scouts tàlant a’ taghadh an seinneadair fireann is boireann as fheàrr, an neach-ciùil as fheàrr, an sgrìobhadair liriceach as fheàrr, agus gheibh iad uile duaisean luachmhor Audio-Technica. Faodaidh na trì buannaichean pàirt a ghabhail anns a’ chuairt dheireannaich de Rannsachadh Tàlant Joy Music, far a bheil a’ phrìomh dhuais HUF 3 millean. Is e rud ùr-nodha ann am beatha scouts tàlant, le taing don t-solaraiche ceòl cùil MoodMedia, gum bi aon de na trì còmhlain mu dheireadh ann an timcheall air 500 àite, a’ toirt a-steach stòran chompanaidhean cian-conaltraidh, taighean-bìdh biadh luath, stòran àirneis, mòr-mhargaidhean agus stòran bìdh peata. Thèid na h-obraichean taghte a dhèanamh ann an stòran a
divided Each song from the last three bands will be played in around 500 Hungarian stores, with Petőfi Rádió handing out one of his special prize pieces. Candidates will also have the opportunity to submit song 1 to a major Hungarian film The Fülesbagoly Talent Research, which is being held again in three major cities, Debrecen, Budapest and Martonvásár, has more promise than ever. In addition to traditional prizes such as festival performances, pre - band and album release, the organizers will also present special prizes. Facebook event in Debrecen Facebook event in Budapest Facebook event in Martonvásár The Earl Owl Talent Search begins in Debrecen; The first final will be held on May 8 in the garden room of the Nagyerdei Water Tower. This will follow at the Kobuci Garden in Budapest on 10 July, and at the Brunswick-Beethoven Cultural Center on 11 September in Martonvásár. The talent researchers are independent of each other, they can all apply from the Carpathian Pool to Hungarian musicians and ensembles who create in any style of light music. The organizers will award a total of 83 prizes to the three talent scouts. Awards include TV performance, record-making, media appearances, photography, video production, image design, pre-band, and 2023 festival performances (e.g., FEZEN, Campus Festival, SZIN, Valley of the Arts, Black Noise). The talent scouts select the best male and female singer, best musician, best lyric writer, and all receive valuable Audio-Technica awards. All three winners can take part in the final round of Joy Music Talent Research, where the top prize is HUF 3 million. A novelty in the life of talent scouts, thanks to backing music provider MoodMedia, is that one of the last three bands will be in around 500 locations, including the stores of telecommunications companies, fast food restaurants, furniture stores, supermarkets and pet food stores. The selected works will be performed in sources a
Reka Nador on Google

pagbabahagi Ang bawat kanta ng tatlong finalist na banda ay tutugtugin sa humigit-kumulang 500 Hungarian na tindahan, at ang Petőfi Rádió ay iikot ang isa sa mga espesyal na premyo na komposisyon nito. Ang mga kandidato ay may pagkakataon ding magsama ng 1 kanta sa isang Hungarian feature film Ang Fülesbagoly Talent Search, na gaganapin muli sa tatlong lungsod, Debrecen, Budapest at Martonvásár, ay may mas malaking taya kaysa dati. Bilang karagdagan sa mga tradisyunal na parangal tulad ng festival performances, pre-banding at record release, ang mga organizer ay magbibigay din ng mga espesyal na parangal. Kaganapan sa Facebook sa Debrecen Kaganapan sa Facebook sa Budapest Kaganapan sa Facebook sa Martonvásár Nagsisimula ang Earl Owl Talent Search sa Debrecen; Ang unang final ay magaganap sa Mayo 8 sa garden room ng Nagyerdei Water Tower. Ito ay susundan sa Kobuci Garden sa Budapest sa Hulyo 10, at sa Brunswick-Beethoven Cultural Center sa Setyembre 11 sa Martonvásár. Ang mga talent researcher ay independyente sa isa't isa, lahat sila ay maaaring mag-apply mula sa buong Carpathian Basin hanggang sa mga nagsisimulang Hungarian na mga performer at ensemble na lumikha sa anumang istilo ng magaan na musika. Ang mga organizers ay magbibigay ng kabuuang 83 premyo sa tatlong talent scouts. Kasama sa mga parangal ang pagganap sa TV, paglabas ng record, mga palabas sa press, photography, paggawa ng video, disenyo ng larawan, pre-banding, at mga palabas sa festival sa 2023 (hal., FEZEN, Campus Festival, SZIN, Valley of the Arts, Black Noise). Pinipili ng mga talent scout ang pinakamahusay na lalaki at babae na mang-aawit, ang pinakamahusay na musikero, ang pinakamahusay na lyricist, at lahat sila ay nakakakuha ng mahahalagang papremyo sa Audio-Technica. Ang tatlong nanalo ay maaaring makilahok sa grand final ng Joy Music Talent Search, kung saan ang pangunahing premyo ay HUF 3 milyon. Ang isang bago sa buhay ng mga talent scout ay, salamat sa background music provider ng MoodMedia, ang isa sa tatlong finalist band ay nasa humigit-kumulang 500 lokasyon, kabilang ang mga tindahan ng kumpanya ng telecom, fast food restaurant, tindahan ng muwebles, hypermarket at mga tindahan ng pet food. Ang mga napiling gawa ay isasagawa sa mga tindahan araw-araw nang hindi bababa sa isang taon. Petőfi Rádió Kik Attila, Petőfi Rádió ay
sharing Each song of the three finalist bands will be played in approximately 500 Hungarian stores, and Petőfi Rádió will spin one of its special prize compositions. Candidates also have the opportunity to include 1 song in a Hungarian feature film The Fülesbagoly Talent Search, which will be held again in three cities, Debrecen, Budapest and Martonvásár, has a bigger stake than ever before. In addition to traditional awards such as festival performances, pre-banding and record releases, the organizers will also provide special awards. Facebook event in Debrecen Facebook event in Budapest Facebook event in Martonvásár Earl Owl Talent Search begins in Debrecen; The first final will take place on May 8 in the garden room of Nagyerdei Water Tower. It will be followed at the Kobuci Garden in Budapest on July 10, and at the Brunswick-Beethoven Cultural Center on September 11 in Martonvásár. The talent researchers are independent of each other, they can all apply from the entire Carpathian Basin to the budding Hungarian performers and ensembles who create in any style of light music. The organizers will award a total of 83 prizes to the three talent scouts. Awards include TV performance, record release, press shows, photography, video production, photo design, pre-banding, and festival performances in 2023 (e.g., FEZEN, Campus Festival, SZIN, Valley of the Arts, Black Noise). Talent scouts select the best male and female singer, the best musician, the best lyricist, and they all win valuable prizes at Audio-Technica. The three winners can take part in the grand final of the Joy Music Talent Search, where the main prize is HUF 3 million. A novelty in the lives of talent scouts is that, thanks to background music provider MoodMedia, one of the three finalist bands will be in approximately 500 locations, including telecom company stores, fast food restaurants, furniture stores, hypermarkets and pet food stores. Selected works will be performed in stores every day for at least a year. Petőfi Rádió Kik Attila, Petőfi Rádió ay

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