Top 10 enterprises in the Buffet restaurant industry
Business category: Buffet restaurant , Barbecue restaurant
Neighborhood: Trófea Grill Restaurant
Business category: Buffet restaurant , Barbecue restaurant
Neighborhood: Trófea Grill Restaurant Óbuda
Business category: Buffet restaurant
City: d
Neighborhood: BME Building I Buffet
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: AIRPORT Étteremüzemeltető Kft.
Business category: Buffet restaurant , Restaurant
Neighborhood: Dobos Étterem
budapest Kaszáló utca 47 A Rákoskeresztúri piac emeletén található, 1173 Hungary
Phone: +36304522224
Postcode: 47
Business category: Buffet restaurant , Wedding venue
Neighborhood: Julian Étterem All You Can Eat and Drink
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: Lángosos
Business category: Buffet restaurant , Restaurant
Neighborhood: Buda Gourmet Bistro
Business category: Buffet restaurant , Fast food restaurant
Neighborhood: Éva Ételbár
Business category: Buffet restaurant , Bistro
City: Zsilinszky u.
1054 Hungary
Business category: Buffet restaurant
City: Hegeda Büfé
Neighborhood: Budapest
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: Mustard buffet
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: Falánk Fanny Falatozó
Business category: Buffet restaurant
City: Strand út
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: Mudrány Étterem
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: Lángos-palacsinta-fánk
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: Étkes büfé
8261 Hungary
Business category: Buffet restaurant
City: Badacsonyi Büfé Falatozó
Neighborhood: Badacsonytomaj
8647 Hungary
Business category: Buffet restaurant
City: Strand Büfé
Neighborhood: Balatonmáriafürdő
Business category: Buffet restaurant
Neighborhood: Papírhajó strandbüfé