Adient Mezőlak Kft. - Adient Mezőlak Kft.

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Adient Mezőlak Kft.

Address :

Mercedes út, 6000 Hungary

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Categories :
City : Mercedes út

Mercedes út, 6000 Hungary
Alexoi Alexandru on Google

Pentru cei ce lucrează colete ..s au miscat destul de repede tinand cont cat de mare este firma !
For those who work parcels .. they moved quite fast considering how big the company is!
Ștefan Vîtca on Google

Companie normală! -1 stea datorită lipsei toaletelor în interior pentru șoferi!!!
Normal company! -1 star due to the lack of toilets inside for drivers !!!
freedom-driver A megoldás szállító on Google

A logisztikusoknak hatalmas respekt. Ahogy a gyár biztonsági szolgálatának is. A 2019.12.14-én szolgálatban lévőknek különösen. Mindenki, megtette a tőle telhetőt, hogy segítsen, miközben ez nagyon nem lett volna feladatuk. Az "egyszerű" dolgozók is minden alkalommal teljesen korrekt módon állnak a munkájukhoz. Így kéne mindenhol.
The logistics have a huge respect. Just like the factory security service. Especially for those in service on December 14, 2019. Everyone, they did their best to help, without it being their task. "Simple" workers are always in the right position to work. That should be everywhere.
Nita Cristian on Google

Se descarca repede dar dureaza mult timp pana intri in fabrica birocratie control la poarta atat la intrare cat si la iesire wc si dus pentru soferi dar sunt murdare loc destul de parcare.
It downloads quickly, but it takes a long time before you enter the factory bureaucracy control at the gate both at the entrance and at the wc exit and driven for drivers, but there is a dirty parking lot.
Iacob Dan Moldovan on Google

Pe lângă faptul ca te controlează la intrare,mai trebuie sa stai și vreo 4ore la încărcare ,ce sa mai zic!? Asai in Ungaria, la toate fabricile din Ungaria se sta între 2 si 18 ore la incarcat
Besides the fact that it controls you at the entrance, you also have to wait about 4 hours to load, what more can I say !? So in Hungary, at all factories in Hungary it takes between 2 and 18 hours to charge
J W on Google

biuro przy rampie 230 po prawej/pukac w okno/ roładunek super podjazd 5.20 wyjazd 6.30 26boxow miejsc
office at the ramp 230 on the right / knock on the window / loading station super driveway 5.20 departure 6.30 26 boxes of places
Rafal Fala on Google

Fajne miejsce. Szybko i sprawnie. Duży parking. Ogólnie duża firma, na wjeździe dostajesz mapę z zaznaczonym magazynem.
Nice place. Quickly and efficiently. Ample parking. Generally a large company, you get a map with the warehouse marked at the entrance.
Miłosz Klemens on Google

Kierujemy sie na brame KAPU 2. Od autostrady jest ładnie oznakowana. Przed bramą parking, zostawiamy pojazd, idziemy do budki wartowniczej. Tam automat do rejestracji. Podajemy nr rej samochodu + 8 cyfrowy numer referencyjny. Dostajemy ticket do okienka. W okienku przepustka i wjeżdżamy. Wjazd o 8:00, wyjazd po zrzutce 22 palet o 9:00. Elegancko. Na miejscu automat z kawą i przekąskami. Nie wiem jak z kiblem i prysznicem. Poza tym spox
We go to the gate KAPU 2. It is well signposted from the highway. There is a parking lot in front of the gate, we leave the vehicle and go to the guard booth. There is a sign-up machine. We provide the car's registration number + 8-digit reference number. We get the ticket to the window. At the window, a pass and we enter. Arrival at 8:00 AM, departure after dropping 22 pallets at 9:00 AM. Elegantly. There is a coffee and snack vending machine on site. I don't know about the toilet and shower. Besides spox

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