Andráska Zsófia Coach Újpest - Női Sikertréner

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Contact Andráska Zsófia Coach Újpest - Női Sikertréner

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Lahner György u. 3/a, 1046 Hungary

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Lahner György u. 3/a, 1046 Hungary
Tímea Kassay on Google

istván Endresz on Google

moni fnm on Google

Ha van elakadásod, ha egy helyben toporogsz, ha mindig ugyanazokat a köröket futod, ha kezded elveszíteni a motivációt, akkor keresd meg Zsófit! Mindenkinek kell egy Zsófi!
If you have a jam when toporogsz a place where all running in circles if you start to lose your motivation, you can find Zsófi! Everyone has to have a Zsófi!
György Leskó on Google

Egy baratom ajanlotta Zsofit, pszichologust kerestem akkoriban, es a Coachokrol eleg rossz velemennyel voltam, mivel sokszor feluletes tudassal rendelkeznek az emberi termeszet mukodeserol. Zsofi viszont nagyon jo szakember, tisztaban van, es hasznalja a pszichologia kulonbozo iskolai altal kifejlesztett tudast. Mindenkinek ajanlom, aki szeretne megerteni onmagat, a rossz viselkesesi mintakat amik megakadalyoztak, hogy az eletet olyan iranyba vezesse amit valoban szeretne. Ugy gondolom, hogy a nehezsegeink legyozese legtobbszor egy magnyos harc, de mindig jo ha van egy professzionalis tamogato aki kivulrol latja az elethelyzetet, es ramutat arra ami a segitsege nelkul talan meg evtizedekig rejtve marad a szemunk elott. Mindig voltak ilyen emberek, regen talan samanoknak vagy varazsloknak hivtak oket, Zsofi ennek a modern formaja, tenyleg odafigyel arra amit mondasz, es a szaktudasa mellett kivalo megerzesei vannak a problemak feltarasa teruleten.
A friend of mine suggested Zsofi, I was looking for a psychologist at the time, and I was pretty bad about Coachok, as they often have a superficial awareness of the mucodeser of human nature. Zsofi, on the other hand, is a very good professional, she is clear and uses the science developed by different schools of psychology. I recommend it to anyone who wants to understand themselves, the bad patterns of behavior that have prevented them from leading life in the direction they really want. I think that overcoming our difficulties is mostly a lonely fight, but it is always good to have a professional supporter who looks at the life situation from the outside and points out what will be hidden from our eyes for decades without his help. There have always been people like that, they have been called mosses or wizards, Zsofi is the modern form of this, he really pays attention to what you say, and in addition to his expertise, he has excellent insights into the field of problem exploration.

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