B2 - Yusen Logistics (Hungary) Kft.

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact B2 - Yusen Logistics (Hungary) Kft.

Address :

Európa u. 6-B2 Épület, 1239 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://www.eur.yusen-logistics.com/european-network/hungary/
Categories :
City : épület

Európa u. 6-B2 Épület, 1239 Hungary
Zsolt Vizl (zsee64) on Google

Nekem mindig gyorsan ment,segítőkészek voltak. Igaz, 3,5t-as járok ide.
It always went fast for me, they were helpful. True, I go here at 3.5t.
aleksandar kermwcievl on Google

Katastrofa od firma broj 0 da mi dozvoli zakono da dolovam nekoj od personalot bi go izel stoka nevidena
Disaster from company number 0 to allow me to catch some of the personnel by law
Emanuel Sosdian on Google

De la ora 6 dimineața ora lor cand au deschis pana la ora 14:00 am așteptat sa încarc.! Incompetență, neserioși, personalul nu te baga în seamă, Flegmatici.! Nu recomand.!
From 6 o'clock in the morning their time when they opened until 14:00 I waited to load.! Incompetence, frivolity, the staff does not pay attention to you, Phlegmatic! I do not recommend.!
károly Somodi on Google

Megadót idő pont nem nyerő a rakódásra. 6 óra várakozás után a rakodás gyors volt. A papirokra még fél óra várakozás. Wc rámpák előtt található.
Adding time points is not winning for loading. After 6 hours of waiting, loading was fast. Wait another half hour for the papers. Toilet is located in front of ramps.
Bárki Norbert on Google

A kaputól számítva harmadik helyen tudtam átvenni az árut. Bár ez a helyismeret hiánya is volt! Lehetne egyszerűbben is csinálni.?
I was able to pick up the goods in third place from the gate. Although it was a lack of local knowledge! It could be easier to do.?
Michal Machaj on Google

Quickly and friendly
Bogdan Les on Google

Boca on Google

1hr wait for charging

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