Barzo Pal

4.4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Barzo Pal

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Semmelweis u., 6725 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +79
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City : Semmelweis u.

Semmelweis u., 6725 Hungary
Andrei on Google

molnar erzsebet on Google

Boda Helga on Google

Zmail Kenadör on Google

Andrada Tolentino on Google

Loredana Carabineanu on Google

Am fost operata de domnul doctor Barzo Pal ,în 2010 de hemangiom cerebral si de atunci sunt foarte bine, nu mai stiu ce sunt durerile de cap .Respect pt acest domn doctor! Pe această cale vreau sa ii multumesc din suflet domnului doctor ca m-a făcut bine și ii doresc multa sanatate si putere de muncă !
I was operated on by Dr. Barzo Pal in 2010 for cerebral hemangioma and since then I am very well, I don't know what the headaches are anymore. Respect for this doctor! In this way I want to thank the doctor from the bottom of my heart for doing me good and I wish him a lot of health and strength!
Paula Alexandra on Google

Buna ziua,as avea nevoie de un raspuns urgent. Mama are programare sa se interneze pe data de 01.02.2022 la Szeged pentru operatia de neurinom acustic la doctorul Barzo Pal, intre timp am gasit niste oameni binevoitori care vor sa ne ajute cu achitarea de jumatate din suma necesara operatiei ,problema este ca nu avem nici un cont sau date ale clinicii, iar secretara domnului doctor nu răspunde. Ma poate ajuta cineva in acest sens ?
Hello, I would need an urgent answer. My mother is scheduled to be hospitalized on 01.02.2022 in Szeged for the operation of acoustic neurinoma at Dr. Barzo Pal, meanwhile we found some benevolent people who want to help us with the payment of half of the amount necessary for the operation, the problem is that we do not have no account number or clinic details, and the doctor's secretary is not responsible. Can anyone help me with this?

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