Beer Bar 2000 Kft. - Beer Bar 2000 Kft.

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Beer Bar 2000 Kft.

Address :

Dorogi út 12, 4080 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 12
Categories :

Dorogi út 12, 4080 Hungary
Nikolett Csordas on Google

A mai napon az ebéd menüm mellé kértem egy Fuze tea-t, ami romlott volt ízre. A kupakról a lejárati dátum le volt törölve, kértem, hogy a többit nézzék meg, természetesen romlott volt, de nem mondták el, mikor jártak le. Kértem helyette egy cola-t, amit 550 forintért ki is fizettettek velem, nem túl kedves hozzáállás a felszolgálók részéről. Sajnos nem megyek többet.
Sandor Porkolab on Google

Nem ajánlom senkinek, olyan kidobókat alkalmaznak akik agresszívak és azt lesik hogy mikor támadhassanak meg! Aztán ha védekezel ketten kezdenek ütni és rádfogják hogy te támadtad meg őket. Ha jól akarod érezni magadat semmiképpen nem ajánlom. Amúgy is drága hely.
I don’t recommend it to anyone who employs bouncers who are aggressive and look for when they can attack! Then when you defend yourself, the two of you start hitting and catching you attacking them. If you want to feel good, I don't recommend it at all. It's an expensive place anyway.
Ferenc Reszegi on Google

Expensive drinks
Csaba János Szilágyi on Google

Good service but expensive.
Nick Warner on Google

Friendly bar with good staff. Good prices and a terrace to watch the world pass by in the summer, Recommended!
Simon Krisztián on Google

Elegant but really pricey place pricey like Debrecen. Which I cant understand. And sometimes there are some troubles with some unpleasant guests. In Friday night it is usually crowded. Don't start drinking here it's gonna be freaking expensive.
István Borbély on Google

Terrible prices. Spacious, but sometimes crowded though. Even with the tremendously high prices, there are “interesting” people looking for trouble. Yet this is the best place in the town as it is located in the city centre and is not a trash place.
Ante Branimir Brajko on Google

They have pretty good selection of beers realy good atmosfere, waiters speak english and to my suprise they accept credit cards which was a great relif since we didnt have anywhere to exchange to local currency

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