Boldogasszony templomrom - Magyarország

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City : Boldogasszony templomrom

8244 Hungary
Mikó Dániel on Google

Nagyon szép helyen fekszik,nagy terület belátható az elterülő kis dombon. Tudták,hogy hová kell építeni anno ? a romok szépen kirajzolódnak ,a torony pedig áll,ugyan kicsit ingatagnak néz ki.
It is located in a very nice place, a large area can be seen on the small hill. They knew where to build anno ? the ruins are nicely outlined and the tower stands albeit a bit shaky.
János Mészöly on Google

Gondozott, szép a Boldogasszony templomrom és környezete. Padok, tűzrakóhely és fantasztikus panoráma fogadja a látogatókat.
The ruins of the Church of the Blessed Virgin and its surroundings are well-kept. Benches, a fireplace and a fantastic panorama welcome visitors.
Tamás Zoltán Sándor on Google

Nagyon szép, gondozott pihenőhely van kialakítva padokkal, szalonnázó hellyel a templom romjai körül, ahonnan Zánka irányába a Balatonra is remek kilátás nyílik. Napos időben érdemes ellátogatni ide, csendben ücsörögni, feltöltődni, pihenni, esetleg olvasni a látványos romok közelében, elfeküdni egy pléden a fűben, élvezni a hely nyugalmát.
There is a very nice, well-kept resting place with benches and a bacon place around the ruins of the church, from where there is a great view of Lake Balaton in the direction of Zánka. In sunny weather, it is worth visiting here, sitting quietly, recharging, relaxing, perhaps reading near the spectacular ruins, lying on a plaid in the grass, enjoying the tranquility of the place.
Stan Gomez on Google

Visit for free.
Imre Mórocz on Google

Km wwsid a watt sj be
Gábor Sohár on Google

Nice view. Well-kept park. Lively center of socializing. Lot of benches with tables. Ideal for picnicking.
András Rusznyák on Google

Great outdoor place for a picnic or just a walk. The ruins of the church are partly restored and stable. The panorama is perfect from the feet of the tower. The wooden stage and plastic chairs don't really fit the picture, but I guess they are used at events. There are even public toilets in a good shape and they are free to use.
Da Hun on Google

The Boldogasszony templomrom is a great church ruin to visit. This church was built sometime during the 13th century. It’s opened year around, great view of the surrounding area and of lake Balaton and is free to visit. There are plenty of benched at this site so you can have a picking here while you enjoy the outdoors and the history of this area. I used to come here with summer camp when I was in elementary school, and I have great memories of this place. I highly recommend visiting this place of you are in the area.

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