Casablanca Rooms and Restaurant - Casablanca Rooms and Restaurant

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Casablanca Rooms and Restaurant

Address :

Ótemető u. 5, 4028 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +79
Postal code : 5
Categories :

Ótemető u. 5, 4028 Hungary
Zsuzsanna on Google

Pozitív: A szoba tisztasága rendben volt.. Negatív: Érkezéskor a tiszta kosz bejárati ajtó láttán kis híján vissza fordultam. A szoba szép és tiszta, de tele szúnyoggal.Kijelentkezéskor csak kaputelefonon szólt le a tulaj hogy hagyjuk ott a portán, ahol senki nem volt, érkezéskor az alsó szinten lévő étteremben dolgozó lányzót kellett megkérdeznem, hogy kit kell keresni, hogy jutunk fel a szobába.A parkoló zsebkendőnyi, a menzáért érkezők elfoglalják, a szállóvendégnek az utcán kell hagyni a kocsit a zárt udvar helyett. Nagyon fapados, az ára viszont nem..
Zoltán Fábián on Google

Az étterem zárva volt. A bejáratnál csatorna büz.
The restaurant was closed. Sewer stove at the entrance.
Gábor Tóth on Google

Zárva. Régóta üzemen kívül lehetnek már (bekukkantottam, megállt a falióra), de semmilyen infó nincs kirakva.
Closed. They may have been out of service for a long time (I peeked, the wall clock stopped), but no info has been posted.
Robertsw on Google

Positive: everything.
Konstantin on Google

Positive: Location. Negative: No early breakfasts.
Kamil on Google

Positive: -clean -great localization -very nice and helpful owner- brekfast should be better for this price -fresh and new bedding and very comfortable beds. Negative: -air conditioning is free but only for 6 hours if you use it longer you will pay addidtional fee ( it's strange O.O).
Volodymyrr on Google

Positive: It is a very good choice for travelers on a motorcycle or a car - free and secure parking, air conditioning. Owner speaks English very well. We were as group of 5 persons - everyone was happy with this hotel. Thank You very much!. Negative: We were not able to lock the bathroom door - that's the only and a minor issue..
Tobias on Google

Positive: We only stayed for one night at this Guest House, but totally enjoyed it! Its newly renovated and everything is in perfect, new condition. The bathroom is very clean and comfortable - and so is the room! It was quiet spacious because everything is well laid out, has good TV and A/C. This place totally matches the given description and images. The owner was very friendly and helpful. The location is also nice, not central of course, but it's just a 10 min walk and you're in the center of Debrecen. Easy Recommendation - tiszta szivvel Köszönöm szépen!. Negative: absolutely nothing.

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