Central Budget Hotel - Central Budget Hotel

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Central Budget Hotel

Address :

Váci út 190, 1138 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +787
Postal code : 190
Categories :

Váci út 190, 1138 Hungary
Сереня Зверковский on Google

Хорошие условия. Следят за порядком и чистотой
Good conditions. Keep order and cleanliness
Enikő Kácser Mátyus on Google

a hely bezárt. most munkásszállás, csak a Samsung munkavállalói részére
the place is closed. now a worker accommodation, just for Samsung employees
Anna _ Rifma on Google

Раньше здесь был хостел, но теперь это общежитие работников завода, для данного класса жилья - место хорошее и достаточно уютное
It used to be a hostel, but now it’s a hostel for factory workers, for this class of housing - the place is good and quite comfortable
Tibor Chikán on Google

Új,kényelmes. Portaszolgàlat,üzletek közelsége,jó parkolási lehetőség,jó megközelíthetőség. Viszont tömegszállás,és a szomszédait ugye nem válogathatja meg az ember... Kommunális helységek kissé lelakottak. Konyha,étkező az jó és élhető.
New, comfortable. Reception, proximity to shops, good parking, good access. But it's a mass accommodation, and you can't pick your neighbors ... Communal areas are slightly populated. Kitchen, dining room is good and livable.
Дмитрий Усенко on Google

В кухне все две электроплитки. Приготовить надо ждать очередь. Эл. Чайника нет. В комнатах нет шкафов. Одежду повесить негде. Места очень мало.
In the kitchen, all two electric stoves. You have to wait for the queue. Al. Kettle is not. There are no closets in the rooms. Clothes hang nowhere. The place is very small.
Виктория Нагорная on Google

Никаких условий для жизни. Холодильник один на 250 человек. Туалеты и душевые ужасные, нет возможности нормально сходить в душ, так как на два этажа, душевые только на втором. Три кабинки в мужском, и три кабинки в женском, но там мужланы тусуются, и у женщин нет нормальной возможности принять душ. Кухня одна- на два этажа, и 4 маленьких двухконфорочных электроплитки. Вода закипает 40 минут. А кушать хочется всем. Короче- УЖАС!!!
No living conditions. Refrigerator one for 250 people. Toilets and showers are terrible, there is no possibility to normally go into the shower, as there are two floors, shower rooms are only on the second. Three booths in the men's, and three booths in the women's, but there dorks hang out, and women do not have the normal ability to take a shower. The kitchen is one- on two floors, and 4 small double burners. Water boils 40 minutes. And everyone wants to eat. In short, HORROR !!!
Graindor Cindy on Google

2 friends and I booked a hotel through booking and once arrived the manager tells us that the hotel is closed !!! Booking does not want to do anything and is not sure of being able to cancel the cancellation fees !! For a closed hotel !!!! They just offer us recommendations to find something else !! Not sure if we will be reimbursed for the hotel in which we can not go !!!! Scandalous !!! Can not use booking !!! Or booked this « hotel »
Francois Guissard on Google

this hostel IS CLOSED!! So Booking says that cannot handle that matter which means my friends and i MUST sleep in the street because it is really late and impossible to book another place to sleep as the city is full due to Sziget festival!!! so we've lost 540 euro and have no place to stay for the next 9 days!! what a shame! DO NOT BOOK THIS HOSTEL!!!

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