Csonka Church - Csonka Church

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Csonka Church

Address :

Széchenyi u. 2, 4025 Hungary

Postal code : 2
Categories :

Széchenyi u. 2, 4025 Hungary
Istvánné Sziklai on Google

Sajnos nem volt nyitva. Ezt jelezhet ék az interneten.
Unfortunately it was not open. This can be indicated on the Internet.
Laca1403 on Google

Nagyon kellemes séta keretében, nagyon jó koncerten vehettünk részt
In a very pleasant walk we could take part in a very good concert
Agnes Semmelweis on Google

A Verestemplom es a Nagytemplom között van. Mindhárom református templom és mégis mennyire különbözőek! Nagyon érdekes!
It is located between the Church of the Savior and the Great Church. All three Reformed churches and yet how different! Very interesting!
Gheorghe Corobceanu on Google

O altă biserică reformată din Debrecen, cu particularitatea că nu are cupolă (a avut, dar a fost distrusă de mai multe ori, așa că au renunțat la ea).
Another Reformed church in Debrecen, with the peculiarity that it has no dome (it had, but was destroyed several times, so they gave it up).
Travel Ukraine & World on Google

Колись вежу цієї церкви вінчав купол, але на початку минулого століття його було знесено ураганом. Та ж доля спіткала і відновленого пізніше купола. Тоді вирішили просто на вежі створити зубці. Виглядає ефектно і спочатку не складається враження що це церква.
The tower of this church was once crowned by a dome, but at the beginning of the last century it was destroyed by a hurricane. The same fate befell the later restored dome. Then they decided to just create teeth on the tower. It looks spectacular and at first it does not seem that it is a church.
shahbaz Munir Gondal on Google

Very famous and historical building.
Szofia Tölli on Google

One of Debrecen's famous sights. You actually have to go down a few steps to enter the church - the town used to be on that level. Just like the great church, it has a unique history.
Attila Szilágyi on Google

I would say this place is rather interesting than attractive, but visiting it was not a bad decision. We did not stay long though. You just enter the building, look around and try to find out whether it belongs to the Catholic or the Reformed Church. And you are wrong;)

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