Deak Square Meteorological Tower

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Deak Square Meteorological Tower

Address :

Deák tér, 9400 Hungary

Categories :
City : Deák tér

Deák tér, 9400 Hungary
Valeriu Adrian Dobre on Google

Minden működik rajta! Időtálló kis szerkezet. 1911-ben állította fel azt az időjelzőt a Soproni Szépítő Egyesület saját költségén, melyért Dr. Töpler Kálmán polgármester által vezetett tanács köszönetet szavazott neki. Kis forgó papíron megmarad az adat amit többféle szenzor mér. Arra kell gondolni hogy abban az időben nem sok ilyen létezett.
Everything works on it! Durable small structure. In 1911, he set up the time stamp at the Sopron Beauty Association's own expense, for which the council led by Mayor Dr. Kálmán Töpler voted to thank him. Small rotating paper retains the data measured by several sensors. It must be borne in mind that not many of these existed at that time.
Zsuzsanna Horváth on Google

Frissen festett padok várták a megpihenni vágyókat.
Freshly painted benches awaited those wishing to relax.
Attila Berta on Google

A felújítás után szép lett, igaz "használaton kívüli"!
After the renovation it became beautiful, true "disused"!
Attila Laczkó on Google

Szép rendezett park középen van el helyezve szép állapotú és mindegyikük működő berendezés egyszerre max 4 fő tudja nézni mert keskeny járdával és kerítéssel van körbevéve. Körülötte emlék művek és egy játszótér is van a gyerekeknek!
Nice tidy park is located in the middle in nice condition and each of them working equipment can watch up to 4 people at a time because it is surrounded by a narrow sidewalk and fence. It is surrounded by memorial works and a playground for the kids!
Laura Mariani on Google

A 10 minuti dal centro, in direzione della stazione dei treni si trova un parco pubblico con alcune fontane, diversi monumenti e la stazione meteorologica. C'è la possibilità di rilassarsi su una delle numerose panchine presenti e godersi il panorama oppure dedicarsi alla lettura di un libro o scambiare due chiacchere con amici. Il verde è ben curato Piacevole.
10 minutes from the center, in the direction of the train station, there is a public park with some fountains, various monuments and the weather station. There is the possibility to relax on one of the many benches present and enjoy the view or devote yourself to reading a book or chat with friends. The green is well cared for Pleasant.
WeVape 2019 on Google

Just a nice garden

Vel Ami on Google

A quiet place to have conversations or read a book in peace.

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