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Lucsony u., 9200 Hungary

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City : Lucsony u.

Lucsony u., 9200 Hungary
Míau Miau on Google

Úplne super.
Totally super.
Jana Vozárová on Google

Úžasné aj cenovo aj prístup odporúčam
Amazing both price and approach I recommend
Lenka T on Google

Chcem sa verejne podakovat za najlepsiu zubnu kompletnú starostlivosť vo svojom živote. Tato zubna klinika a centrum estetickej implantacie je sen. Vojdete dnu do krasne elegantneho priestoru a uz Vas vitaju usmiate recepcne, vdaka comu sa citite príjemne. Ja som tu zazila v priebehu polroka svoju osobnu kompletnu premenu. Tvár so zdravym chrupom je dôvod na usmev. Preto pokojne mozeme nazvat tuto kliniku s nadstandardnymi sluzbami niecim vysnenym. Ďakujem za vynimocny a maximalne profesionálny, ale hlavne ľudský, humánny pristup panov doktorov, najma najlepšej pani doktorky Boglarky M., Jej nekonecna oddanost, starostlivosť o pacienta, empatia a vysoko odborne odvedena praca si Vas urcite ziska. Vsetky asistentky su stopercentne nasadené s ochotné. Pán chirurg mne osobne odviedol obrovský kus kvalitnej, hoci velmi ťažkej práce. Andrejka, skvelá tlmočníka, priatel, mimoriadne citlivy spolocnik pocas celeho obdobia liečby vzdy k dispozícii. Aj mimo ordinačných hodin. Bez jej psychickej podpory by som sa na taky tazky zakrok nedala, takze jej patri dalsie moje špeciálne ĎAKUJEM. Mam za sebou náročné obdobie, o to viac sa z toho teším. Implantacia so vsetkym, co ku tomu v mojom pripade patrí, je proces, ktory ma svoje etapy a pravidlá. Našťastie som dosla do úspešného konca, liecba bola prijemna a ten výsledok urcite stoji za to. Tolko profesionality naraz za kazdymi dverami kliniky hocikde asi nenajdete. Financne je to asi o polovicu lacnejsie ako na Slovensku, vsetko je garantovane, vopred odkonzultovane, viackrat skontrolovane. Neplatíte ani zďaleka toľko, co v mojej domovine, majitelia nechcu ludi osklbat za kazdu cenu z koze. Nie su to snobski zubari zo Slovenska. Su to mili ludia, ktori beru svojich pacientov a hlavne personal ako rodinu. To je dalsi dovod, preco to tam funguje na jednotku, ako hodinky . Ich filozofiou by sa mohli inspirovat vsetci slovenski zubari, ale ja fandim tomuto skvelému maďarskému tímu ľudí, ktorí maju srdce, sú kultúrni, profesionálni a chcu naozaj pacientovi pomôcť. Za seba davam nie 100, ale 1000 bodov a vrelo odporúčam využiť ich služby. Ďakujem vám stokrát za zivot bez bolesti s krasnymi novymi zúbkami, spravili ste ma stastnou a hlavne zdravšou. ĎAKUJEM
I want to publicly thank you for the best dental complete care in my life. This dental clinic and aesthetic implantation center is a dream. You enter the bottom into a beautifully elegant space and you are greeted by smiling receptionists, thanks to whom you feel comfortable. I experienced my complete personal transformation here during the first half of the year. A face with healthy teeth is a reason to smile. Therefore, we can safely call this clinic with above-standard services something of your dream. Thank you for the exceptional and maximally professional, but especially human, humane approach of the doctors, especially the best Dr. Boglarka M., Her endless devotion, patient care, empathy and highly professional work will definitely benefit you. All assistants are 100% committed and willing. Mr. Surgeon personally did a huge piece of quality, although very hard work. Andrejka, a great interpreter, a friend, an extremely sensitive companion, is always available throughout the treatment period. Even outside office hours. Without her psychological support, I wouldn't have taken the tough steps too, so she has another special THANK YOU. I have a difficult period behind me, the more I look forward to it. Implantation with everything that belongs to it in my case is a process that has its stages and rules. Fortunately, I came to a successful end, the treatment was pleasant and the result is definitely worth it. You probably won't find that much professionalism behind every clinic door at once. Financially, it is about half cheaper than in Slovakia, everything is guaranteed, consulted in advance, checked several times. You don't pay nearly as much as in my homeland, the owners don't want to fool people for every price of goats. They are not snobby dentists from Slovakia. They are nice people who take their patients and especially staff as a family. This is another reason why it works there per unit, like a watch. All Slovak dentists could be inspired by their philosophy, but I am a fan of this great Hungarian team of people who have hearts, are cultural, professional and I really want to help the patient. I give not 100, but 1000 points for myself and I highly recommend using their services. Thank you a hundred times for a life without pain with beautiful new teeth, you have made me happy and especially healthier. WELL THANK YOU

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