DS Smith Packaging Ltd Füzesabony. - DS Smith Packaging Ltd Füzesabony.

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact DS Smith Packaging Ltd Füzesabony.

Address :

Patak utca 1, 3390 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 1
Website : http://www.dssmith.com/
Categories :

Patak utca 1, 3390 Hungary
Robi Dusin on Google

Nagyképű senkiházi, műveletlen, cigány targoncások, lassú ügyintézés!
Magnificent nobody's house, uncultivated, gypsy forklifts, slow administration!
Gheorghe Bartos on Google

Descărcarea merge foarte prost şi comod.loc de parcare max 3 camioane.
Unloading goes very bad and convenient. Parking space max 3 trucks.
estwood super on Google

Nagyon lassan dolgoznak öt órát álltam mire leszedtek az árut.
They are working very slowly for five hours before I picked up the goods.
Csaba Orsos on Google

Az egyik targoncással majdnem verekedni kellett, a másik szóra sem méltatott. A biztonsági szolgálat udvarias, kedves
He almost had to fight with one of the forklifts, he didn't deserve the other word. The security service is polite, kind
Gabi Buzle on Google

Lucrurile merg foarte lent aici! Slăbuț! Nota 4. Se observă că nu au un șef bun care să îi pună la treabă. De vorbit in altă limbă decat maghiara, nici nu poate fi vorba !
Things are going really slow here! Weak! Note 4. It is noted that they do not have a good boss to put them to work. It cannot be spoken in a language other than Hungarian!
János Kukorica on Google

A Környéken lévő Multi cégekhez képest itt a legalacsonyabbak a bérek, a Dolgozók túl vannak terhelve. folyamatos a 12 óráztatás. Egy Dögtelep az egész!
Compared to Multi companies in the neighborhood, the lowest wages are here, the Employees are overburdened. continuous 12 hours. It's a Dögtelep!
Вячеслав Гургуров on Google

Компания никакая. Выгрузка очень долго!!! Не рекомендую
No company. Unloading takes too long! I do not recommend
Maciej Zięba on Google

Nie polecam . Firma bardzo nie wygodna katastrofa ! 3,30 h czekam aż wezmą na załadunek nic nie można się dowiedzieć .. Haaa tfuuu . Jednym słowem porażka jeśli ktoś ma tu przyjechać niech lepiej to zrobi w tygodniu niz pod koniec tygodnia . Można odjebac swoje a dziś piątek masakra .. Firma jednym słowem tragiczna !!! Nic dodać nic ująć !
I do not recommend . The company is not a very convenient disaster! 3.30 h waiting for loading, nothing you can learn .. Haaa tfuuu. In a word, a failure, if someone is to come here, better to do it during the week than at the end of the week. You can fuck off your Friday massacre today .. In a word, the company is tragic !!! Nothing more nothing less !

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