Europe Center Cellar Wine Bar and Guesthouse - Europe Center Cellar Wine Bar and Guesthouse

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Europe Center Cellar Wine Bar and Guesthouse

Address :

Palota u. 16, 3907 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +798
Postal code : 16
Categories :

Palota u. 16, 3907 Hungary
László Veress on Google

Mi csak bort vettünk, azok finomak voltak...
We just bought wine, they were delicious ...
Gergo Papp on Google

Két éve járunk ide rendszeresen és sose okozott csalódást. Mindig nagyon kedvesek, vendégszeretőek. Egy kisebb felújítás óta a szobák is gyönyörűen néznek ki, modernizálták őket. Klíma minden szobába! Borok tökéletesek, ízletesek. Ennyi csillaggal nem is lehet őket értékelni igazán.
We have been coming here regularly for two years and have never disappointed. They are always very kind, hospitable. Since a minor renovation, the rooms have also looked beautiful, modernized. Air conditioning in every room! The wines are perfect and delicious. You can’t really rate them with so many stars.
Relu Ionel Saracutiu on Google

O cramă bine organizată cu vinuri alese și personal amabil.Felicitări!
A well-organized wine cellar with selected wines and friendly staff. Congratulations!
Istvánné Nógrádi on Google

Látványosan kialakított borospince, minőségi borok. Kiváló hely nagyobb társaságok részére is.
Spectacularly designed wine cellar, quality wines. Great place for bigger companies too.
Anikó Veresné on Google

Szeretünk ide járni. Finom borokat lehet venni.
József Forgács on Google

Már másodjára voltunk ebben a csodálatos borpincés szálláson!Nagyon guszta,szép szobákkal,az emeletről gyönyörű kilátással,figyelmes,kedves kiszolgálással,finom borokkal,tökéletes reggelikkel!!Csak is ajánlani tudom mindenkinek ezt a Tállyai gyöngyszemet még vissza térünk????
This is the second time we have been to this wonderful wine cellar accommodation!
Vladimír Hrabovský on Google

Rodinné vinárstvo, ako mnoho ďalších v susedstve, sa venuje výrobe tokajských vín podľa tradícií predošlých generácií. Rezervovali sme si termín návštevy spojený s degustáciou vín z ich vlastnej produkcie. Veľmi pekne upravený areál vinárstva pôsobí priam až pokojnou, rodinnou atmosférou. Nad areálom sa rozprestiera veľký vinohrad. V podzemí vinárstva sa nachádza vínna pivnica. Keď vstúpite do pivnice, dlhé schody vás privedú do prvej podzemnej časti, kde je uskladnené víno vo veľkých drevených sudoch. V ďalšej časti sa nachádza celkom veľký priestor, kde je možnosť degustovať miestne vína. Miesta je tu primerane, nás bolo 46 ľudí. Degustácia prebiehala najprv ochutnávkou destilátov z vína a následne samotná ochutnávka tokajských vín. Degustovali sme 2 + 8 vzoriek, s tým že síce výklad nebol až tak podrobný ako by som očakával, ale pivniční majstri nás previedli celou škálou ich produktov. Počas degustácie sme sa mohli občerstviť slaným pečivom. Navyše sme mali v našom kolektíve ľudí, ktorí nám spríjemňovali posedenie pri dobrom tokajskom vínku hudbou na husle a harmoniku, čo ešte pridalo na dobrej atmosfére. Živá muzika a dobré víno patria k sebe. Odporúčam vám počas degustácie robiť si stručné poznámky ohľadom odrody, ročníka, kategórie vín, ceny a pod., pretože na konci degustácie si môžete zakúpiť priamo na mieste vína, ktorí vám najviac chutili. Sám môžem poradiť samorodné suché a tiež muškát. Výborné oboje. Ale rozhodnite sa sami... :-) Páni pivniční majstri sú milí, skromní a veľmi ochotní ľudia. Pani majiteľka síce nemá terminál, kartou teda neviete zaplatiť, ale akceptujú aj eurá okrem forintov. Ak bude ešte príležitosť, rád sa sem vrátim na dúšok dobrého tokajského vína... Na zdravie!!!
The family winery, like many others in the neighborhood, is dedicated to the production of Tokaj wines according to the traditions of previous generations. We have booked a visit date associated with the tasting of wines from their own production. The very nicely arranged winery complex has a straightforward, peaceful, family atmosphere. There is a large vineyard above the complex. There is a wine cellar in the basement of the winery. When you enter the cellar, the long stairs lead you to the first underground part, where the wine is stored in large wooden barrels. In the next part there is a fairly large area where you can taste local wines. The place is adequate, there were 46 of us. The tasting took place first by tasting the wine distillates and then by tasting the Tokaj wines themselves. We tasted 2 + 8 samples, with the fact that the explanation was not as detailed as I would have expected, but the cellar masters took us through a whole range of their products. During the tasting we could refresh ourselves with savory pastries. In addition, we had people in our team who enjoyed sitting with a good Tokaj wine with violin and accordion music, which added to the good atmosphere. Live music and good wine go hand in hand. I recommend that you make brief notes during the tasting about the variety, vintage, wine category, price, etc., because at the end of the tasting you can buy directly on the spot the wines you like best. I myself can advise native dry and also nutmeg. Great both. But decide for yourself ... :-) The masters of the cellar are nice, modest and very helpful people. Although the owner does not have a terminal, you cannot pay by card, but they also accept euros in addition to forints. If there is another opportunity, I will be happy to return here for a sip of good Tokaj wine ... Cheers !!!
George Hudiczius on Google

Both the vine and the people are excellent, make sure you have a designated driver after all the aszu

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