Fótfürdő - Fót

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fótfürdő

Address :

2151 Hungary

Categories :
City : Fótfürdő

2151 Hungary
Anikó Máthé on Google

Nagyon szép hely csak az a baj hogy sokan behozzák a kutyát mikozbr nem szabad sőt tábla is jelz
Very nice place is just the problem that many people bring the dog when it is not allowed and even a sign
András Krokovay on Google

Szép környezet
Nice environment
Mónika Fehér on Google

Kellemes, családi túraútvonal, kék lepke tanösvény. A tó és környéke szépen rendben van tartva, körbe sétálható.
Pleasant, family hiking trail, blue butterfly study trail. The lake and its surroundings are nicely maintained, you can walk around.
Péterné Nagy on Google

A megálló pont a fóti tó előtt van. Eső elől menedéket nyújtó takaros kis épület.
The stop is in front of Lake Fót. A neat little building that provides shelter from the rain.
Broccini Giampi on Google

Sito a Fót cittadina a pochi km da Budapest un bel parco tenuto bene pulito. Attrezzatissimo per fare divertire i bambini . Laghetto dove pescare o fare delle passeggiate Parco giochi parco avventura e un pista per biciclette dove i più piccoli possono imparare i segnali stradali.
Located in the city Fót a few kilometers from Budapest, a beautiful and well-kept park. Fully equipped to entertain children. Small lake for fishing or walking Adventure park playground and a bicycle track where the little ones can learn traffic signs.
Judit Suhai on Google

Gyermekkoromban rengeteget jártunk ide szüleimmel. Ma egy kis nosztalgia sétára érkeztünk. Nagyon hangulatos, csendes nyugodt hely! A gyerekeknek van egy klassz kalandpálya is!
As a child, we went here a lot with my parents. Today we came for a little nostalgia walk. Very cozy, quiet peaceful place! There is also a cool adventure track for the kids!
Kriszta Kovacs on Google

Gyerekkorom óta jártunk oda fürdeni minden évben. Tavaly is voltunk. Mióta felújìtják a környéket egy ember elzavart minket, hogy nem lehet fürdeni.?? Miért is?? A tóban semmi sem változott baj volt biztos, hogy ingyen van. ?
We have been going to bathe every year since I was a child. We were last year. Ever since the neighborhood was renovated a man has distracted us from not being able to swim.?? Why ?? Nothing changed in the lake, it was sure to be free. ?
Alexander Kvochkin on Google

Nice place not far from Budapest

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