4/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Rozália park 11, 2051 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 11
Categories :

Rozália park 11, 2051 Hungary
rafał Taraszka on Google

Floransz Veronika Horváth on Google

Nem egy barátságos cég.
Not a friendly company.
Attila Raffael on Google

Nagyon pöpec a munkahely!szóval no1
The job is really cool! So no1
Sandor Tóth on Google

Gyors autóvizsga 1,5 óra
Fast Exercise Exam 1.5 hours
József Attila Márton on Google

Rakodni voltam, sitty-sutty és már ott se voltam.
I was loading, sitty-sutty and I wasn’t even there anymore.
Tamás Tusor on Google

A hellyel nincs gond, de művészet megtalálni. Azért egy táblát kirakni nem lenne hátrányos. Persze tudom, egy már van kirakva, de olyanról beszélek, amit minimum az utcáról is lehet látni.... A mostani táblát ennyi erővel felrakhatnák a fal felé is, kb. annyit ér....
There is no problem with the place, but it is an art to find. However, laying a board would not be disadvantageous. Of course, I know one is already unloaded, but I'm talking about something that can be seen at least from the street .... The current board could be placed on the wall with so much force, approx. it's worth it ....
Molnár Gábor on Google

Rakodni voltam nem egyszer a cégnél. Először azt hittem az irodán rossz napja van a hölgynek. Szó szerint bunkó lekezelő volt. Második majd harmadik alkalommal is ugyanezt tapasztaltam. Lekezelő arrogáns és bunkó volt. A cég többi dolgozója ( már akaivel találkoztam ) Normális volt.
I had been laid off at the company. First I thought the office had a bad day for the lady. It was literally a jerk. The second and third time I have experienced the same thing. She was arrogant and jerk. The rest of the company (I've met her aunt) was normal.
MedveRPGgaming on Google

I lived in Budapest, Hungary for 6 months and GIMEK gave me an opportunity to work there. Only stayed just over a month as I moved back to England. The staff were all very polite, helpful if had any problems. I was only a forklift operator/ warehouse assistant. I'll definitely drop in to say hello (szia) when over there next. Miss them all. Just wish Hungary was able to offer a living wage! Country is beautiful.

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