György Szondi statue - György Szondi statue

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Contact György Szondi statue

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Szinyei Merse u 2, 1063 Hungary

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Szinyei Merse u 2, 1063 Hungary
Cynthia Hermanny on Google

É apenas uma rotatória bem movimentada, com 4 estátuas de húngaros famosos, mas com tantas árvores, e na bela avenida Andrassy, que é muito legal conhecer.
It's just a very busy roundabout, with 4 statues of famous Hungarians, but with so many trees, and on the beautiful Andrassy avenue, which is really cool to see.
Agnes Semmelweis on Google

Vak Bottyán, Zrínyi Miklós, Balassi Bálint és Szondi György egészalakos szobra található a Kodály körönd 4 sarkában, a virágokkal ölelt parkos részeken.
A full-length statue of Vak Bottyán, Miklós Zrínyi, Bálint Balassi and György Szondi can be found in the 4 corners of Kodály körönd, in the park parts surrounded by flowers.
Konstantinos S. on Google

Θα ήταν ένα καλό μνημείο, δυστυχώς είχε σκουπίδια παραδίπλα
It would be a good monument, unfortunately it had rubbish next to it
Андрей Дудко on Google

Очень интересная площадь, расположенная на проспекте Андраши.Много памятников, есть лавочки, чтобы присесть отдохнуть и подышать воздухом. Движение машин здесь минимальное, чувствуется, что рядом посольский квартал, по этому для спокойной прогулки по площади есть все условия.
A very interesting square located on Andrassy Avenue. There are many monuments, there are benches to sit down to rest and breathe in the air. The movement of cars here is minimal, it is felt that the embassy quarter is nearby, so there are all conditions for a quiet walk around the square.
Szilvia Ráth on Google

Szondy György vagy Szondi György (1504. – Drégely vára, 1552. jul. 9.) katona, Drégely várának hős kapitánya volt. Bátor magatartása még az ellenségben is elismerést váltott ki, ezért díszes pompával temettette őt el Hádim Ali budai pasa. Valószínűleg nem volt nemesi származású, mezővárosi polgárcsalád sarja lehetett, de van olyan elképzelés is, miszerint jobbágysorból küzdötte fel magát a kapitányi rangig.
György Szondy or György Szondi (1504 - Drégely Castle, July 9, 1552) was a soldier and the hero captain of Drégely Castle. His brave behavior provoked recognition even in the enemy, so Hádim Ali, a pasha from Buda, buried him with ornate splendor. He may not have been of noble descent, he may have been a descendant of a bourgeois family in the market town, but there is also an idea that he fought his way from serfdom to captain rank.
Lama AL on Google

Emőke Júlia Kollai on Google

Very heroic looking nice skulpture
keti gogishvili on Google

György Szondy was a Hungarian soldier and the captain of Drégely Castle. He was a respected soldier, even by his Turkish foes, whose recognition can be seen by his burial by Hadim Ali Pasha with full military honours.His name was often used by impostors.Even now, between 6 and 9 July every year Slovaks and Hungarians alike celebrate the life of the great warrior at his sarcophagus in Drégelypalánk, Hungary

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