Honvéd Sportuszoda - Honvéd Sportuszoda

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Honvéd Sportuszoda

Address :

Tüzér u. 25-29, 1134 Hungary

Postal code : 25-29
Categories :

Tüzér u. 25-29, 1134 Hungary
Zoltán Sármezei on Google

Istvan Halasi on Google

Levente Nagy on Google

mónika csedreki on Google

Barnabás Albert on Google

Petru Steflea (Puiu) on Google

Am ramas foarte impresionat! De unde stau se vede perfect bazinul de inot, unde incepand de la ora 6 dimineata si pana la ora 20 un program continu de pregatire sportiva indiferent de vreme.
I was very impressed! From where I sit I can see the swimming pool perfectly, where starting from 6 in the morning until 20:00 there is a continuous program of sports training regardless of the weather.
Marta Pasztor on Google

Nem sokat változott az utóbbi 30 évben, de imádom.
It hasn’t changed much in the last 30 years, but I love it.
Álom Kép on Google

Úszás oktatás és képzés . Sport: Múlt, jelen, jövő
Swimming education and training. Sport: Past, present, future

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