Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute - 1. em

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Contact Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute

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Fö utca 79, 1. em, 7, 1027 Hungary

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Fö utca 79, 1. em, 7, 1027 Hungary
Master Clarice Chan on Google

Maria Zaberer on Google

Es war ein tolles Reading, bei dem ich viele Informationen über mein Leben erhalten habe. Herzlichen Dank an Orshy, die ins Deutsche übersetzt hat und Alwin und allen Beteiligten. Es war so eine schöne Energie dabei. Danke vielmals.
It was a great reading that gave me a lot of information about my life. Many thanks to Orshy who translated into German and Alwin and everyone involved. There was such a beautiful energy there. Many thanks.
Kira 2022 on Google

Amazing and incredible experience! The whole thing was very well organised, highly recommended!
Делгира Манджиева on Google

This summer I was so lucky to receive my Palm Leaf Reading. To say it was amazing - to say nothing! It was so overwhelming process...And so pity, that DESPITE of the fact, that I was so nice prepared to it by the whole team of the Institute( Namaste, my dear all!), all the same, I was not ready to receive this Reading... Not ready mentally...Now I understand that the fact of the reading of Your Palm Leaf has very sacral meaning and you should make yourself ready for this Moment...From the one hand I took it too careless...from the other hand I took it as an entertainment... both things prevent you from deep realizing of what is happening with you at the very moment of Reading. Now I could compare it with spying on your own life on the keyhole... Can't find any other words which could describe it. And this lasts just several minutes and within this few moments you should absorb as much as possible, so you should be very concentrated... What this Reading gives you? * it gives you understanding of yourself... Is there a lot of people who knows their real I... who could look at his real I without lie.. * it gives you understanding what you should do this reincarnation, this very life... * it gives you understanding of kind of problems you might have in your past; real moment and future life and how to solve them... and of course * it gives you suggestions what to do to avoid difficulties... * it gives you understanding what to do not to loose yourself and the feeling of satisfaction and happiness... *it gives you understanding of your destination... and many and many other things which could help you to wake up and make every next step in your life consciously... I explain it for myself as a stage of a serious and deep work with yourself, your inner world, your spiritual maturity... In any case it's impossible to explain The Palm Leaf Reading in few words... it should be tried, went through, experienced by every person who even once asked himself what for I was sent here... All people, who will decide to experience it, do it without hesitation... And if in your circle there is a warmly beloved person, who got lost in difficulties of this life, make him a gift...It would be something priceless for both of you: million pluses to your karma and million stars which will brightened life of your dearest one... Albert Einstein said: 'There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Sure that with Palm Leaf Reading Institute it's so easy to make someone's life more fairy)
Lena eriksen on Google

I really enjoyed this experience. Perfecly put together with a Great coordinator and the indian translatør and reader. 5 out of 5 stars! Highly recommend this experience if you feel you are on the wrong path and unsure about your future, need some cleansing from bad karma you might feel you have, and guiding on how to live your life in the best way possible. Forever grateful to Indian Palm Leaf Reading! Im really blown away.

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