Jászai Mari utcai parkoló - Debrecen

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Jászai Mari utcai parkoló

4024 Hungary
Tamás Oláh on Google

Vigyázat, átvernek a parkolási idővel! 10 perc parkolás helyett 31 percet számolt az automata. A jegyre egyértelműen rá van írva, hogy 10:34-től 10:44-ig parkoltunk a parkolóban, ami kevesebb, mint fél óra, tehát 110 Ft-ba kellene kerülnie a kiírás szerint. Azonban fizetéskor 31 percet számolt el az automata, és 220 Ft-ot fizettetett. Soha többé nem parkolunk ott, inkább kifizetjük az esetleges drágább parkolási díjat a hivatalos városi parkolókban, ott legalább annyit fizetünk, amennyit ténylegesen parkolunk. --------- Be careful, they cheat with the parking time! Instead of 10 minutes of parking, the parking meter counted 31 minutes. It is clearly written on the ticket that we parked in the parking lot from 10:34 to 10:44, which is less than half an hour, so it should cost 110 HUF according to the price list. However, when paying, the machine accounted for 31 minutes and we paid 220 HUF. We will never park there again, we will rather pay the possibly more expensive parking fees in official city car parks, where we pay as much as we actually park.
Be careful, they will be beaten with parking time! Instead of 10 minutes of parking, the vending machine counted 31 minutes. It is clearly written on the ticket that we parked in the parking lot from 10:34 to 10:44, which is less than half an hour, so it should cost 110 HUF according to the announcement. However, when paying, the machine accounted for 31 minutes and paid 220 HUF. We will never park there again, we would rather pay any more expensive parking fee in the official city car parks, we will pay at least as much as we actually park there. --------- Be careful, they cheat with the parking time! Instead of 10 minutes of parking, the parking meter counted 31 minutes. It is clearly written on the ticket that we parked in the parking lot from 10:34 to 10:44, which is less than half an hour, so it should cost 110 HUF according to the price list. However, when paying, the machine accounted for 31 minutes and we paid 220 HUF. We will never park there again, we will rather pay the possibly more expensive parking fees in official city car parks, where we pay as much as we actually park.
László Dobos on Google

Az egyetlen előnye az, hogy parkoló a belvárosban. Az viszont szerintem vicc kategória, hogy ilyen magas parkolási díjak mellett döngölt kavicsos földön kell parkolni, ami a legkisebb eső után is sártengerré változik. Nem hiszem el hogy nem lehet normálisan kialakítani egy parkolót a belvárosban. Igazából az arcátlanság határát súrolja, hogy ilyen körülmények között pénzt kérnek az ott parkolásért.
The only advantage is that parking in the city center. But I think it is a joke category to park at such high parking rates on crushed pebble land that turns into a muddy sea even after the slightest rain. I can't believe it's not normal to set up a car park in downtown. It actually verges on insolence to charge for parking there under these circumstances.
József Birinyi on Google

Nagyon jó volt jó kilátás a várból !!!
It was a very good view from the castle !!!
Landsmann on Google

Már nem lehet utólag fizetni a parkolási díjat.
It is no longer possible to pay the parking fee in arrears.
Gyula Szarka on Google

A mobil parkolás egy kicsit meg lett variálható az egy számos rendszerrel.
Mobile parking has been varied a bit with a number of systems.
Géza Nagy on Google

Későn érkeztünk, hát nagyon vadászni kellett a helyet, hogy parkolhassunk egy éjszakát. Azért megérdemelne a hely egy aszfaltozást, vagy térkövezést.
We arrived late, so we had to hunt for the place so we could park for one night. The place would deserve an asphalt or paving site.
Julius Kovacs on Google

JUICE1220 on Google

It's a parking lot

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