Kaáli Intézet - Kaáli Intézet

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kaáli Intézet

Address :

Csongrádi sgrt. 21, 6723 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 21
Website : http://kaali.hu/
Categories :

Csongrádi sgrt. 21, 6723 Hungary

Personal foarte bun și dr. Zadori un medic excepțional! Datorita lui am doua fetite gemene
Very good staff and Dr Zadori an exceptional doctor! Thanks to him I have two twin girls
Istvan Torok on Google

Hát nem tudom de 2 sikertelen beültetè után nincs sok pozitiv gondolatom az intèzet ről!!! Ez inkább pènznyelö nek tünik!!! ??
Well I don't know but after 2 unsuccessful implants I don't have many positive thoughts about the institution !!! This seems more like a money sinker !!! ??
Szalma Anita on Google

Dr Zàdori a legjobb! köszönjük neki, hogy szülők lehetünk?
Dr Zàdori is the best! thank him for being parents sz
Erika Nagy on Google

Számomra nagyon pozitív volt az eljárás és az ott dolgozók emberséges hozzaallasa is,bár sajnos sikerről nem tudok beszamolni sajnos (1 beültetés), de maga az intézet ötös!
For me, the procedure and the humane attitude of the people working there were also very positive, although unfortunately I cannot report success unfortunately (1 implantation), but the institute itself is five!
Condoros Daniela on Google

Mulțumesc Kaali Intezet Toată considerația mea și mii de mulțumiri d-lui doctor Zadori Janos Datorită dumneavoastră am o fetiță minunată de 9 ani și 5 luni Mult succes vă doresc! Cu deosebită stimă și respect Daniela - Mirela Condoroș
Thank you Kaali Intezet All my consideration and thousands of thanks to Dr. Zadori Janos Thanks to you I have a wonderful little girl of 9 years and 5 months I wish you success! With special appreciation and respect Daniela - Mirela Condoroș
90 Sutyyi on Google

Sajnos 2 sikertelen lombik után nem lett kedvencünk az intèzet . Inkább mennyiségre mennek mint minőségre . Márton Virág doktornő szakmailag és emberileg is nagyon jó ! De sajnos ő elment szűlni . Akit kaptunk dokit utána azt hadjuk is . Sajnos több ismerősünk is ezen a véleményen van . Nem ajánlom az intézetet !
Unfortunately, after 2 unsuccessful flasks, the institute was not our favorite. They go for quantity rather than quality. Dr. Márton Virág is very good both professionally and humanly! But unfortunately she went to give birth. Whoever got a doc after that, we also let him. Unfortunately, several of our friends have this opinion. I do not recommend the institute!
Mirjana Tatic Gorcik on Google

Zahvaljujući dr Janošu Zadori imamo zdrave bliznakinje od 9 godina. Profesionalan odnos, ljubazno osoblje, i pored našeg ne znanja mađarskog jezika, su za svaku pohvalu i preporuku!
Thanks to Dr. Janos Zadora, we have healthy 9-year-old twins. Professional attitude, friendly staff, despite our ignorance of the Hungarian language, are to be commended and recommended!
Ramona Orzac on Google

Doctor Zadori! The best doctor ever. MY ANGEL! I have two kids! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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