Kamadeva Tantra Massage Budapest - Kamadeva Tantra Massage Budapest

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Contact Kamadeva Tantra Massage Budapest

Address :

Paulay Ede u. 18, 1061 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +7999
Postal code : 18
Website : https://tantramassage.kamadeva.hu/
Categories :

Paulay Ede u. 18, 1061 Hungary
Sedgehun on Google

Jaya egészen mélyen elmerül a tantra érintés művészetében, a benned lévő lélekhez szól, nem mint testhez. Nagyon pozitív élmény volt minden szempontból, az elején picit féltem / izgatottan érkeztem mivel minden szalon máshogy áll hozzá a tantra masszázshoz, de rövid időn belül rájöttem hogy erre nem volt semmi okom. Jaya, és gondolom így az egész szalon egy ősi tisztelettel áll hozzá a szertartáshoz, nem csupán egy masszázs erejéig. Van lehetőség a fürdésre is, a masszázs pedig organikus kókusz olajjal lett végezve, mely egészséges a bőrnek! Összesítve, nagyon pozitív élmény volt, tisztelettel bánnak veled, tudom ajánlani! :)
Jaya is quite immersed in the art of touching tantra, it speaks to the soul within you, not to the body. It was a very positive experience in all respects, at the beginning I was a little scared / excited because every salon has a different approach to tantra massage, but I soon realized that I had no reason to do so. Jaya, and I think so the whole salon has an ancient reverence for the ceremony, not just the power of a massage. It is also possible to bathe, and the massage was performed with organic coconut oil, which is healthy for the skin! All in all, it was a very positive experience, you will be treated with respect, I can recommend! :)
Zsolt Németh on Google

Olyan ez, mint amikor egy büvész a szemed láttára varázsol. Kíváncsian figyeled, hiszed, hogy téged nem lehet átverni, észre veszed majd, hogy hol a trükk, de nem! Nem érted, lenyűgöz, elvarázsol, felemel téged is, lebegsz és már nem érdekel, nem érteni akarod, hanem átélni újra, ne legyen vége.... Jaya a "varázsló, illúzionista" nekem olyan élményt adott, amit azóta is próbálok feldolgozni. Nem masszőz Ő, hanem spirituális kísérőd, vezetőd az éden felé vezető utadon, Ő a szeretet maga! Az pedig, hogy gyönyörű, tény. De eltörpül amellett, hogy ő maga a NŐ! Hála Neked Jaya!!! Zsolt.
It’s like when a magician casts a spell in front of your eyes. You’re watching curiously, you think you can’t be fooled, you’ll notice where the trick is, but no! You don't understand, it fascinates, it enchants, it elevates you too, you float and I don't care anymore, you don't want to understand, but you want to relive it, let it not end .... He is not a masseuse, but your spiritual companion, your guide on the path to Eden, He is love itself! And being beautiful is a fact. But he dwarfs the fact that she is the WOMAN herself! Thank you Jaya !!! Zsolt.

Esperienza stupenda. Io e la mia compagna abbiamo fatto il massaggio tantra di coppia ed è stato un viaggio alla riscoperta del piacere e della spiritualità. Massaggio molto rituale
Wonderful experience. My partner and I had a couple's tantra massage and it was a journey to rediscover pleasure and spirituality. Very ritual massage
MARIA TERESA bruzzi on Google

Abbiamo effettuato un massaggio tantrico di coppia. La stanza era bella e accogliente e i massaggiatori (un uomo e una donna) sono molto preparati e professionali. Bellissime sensazioni fisiche e una grande carica energetica
Veda Kama on Google

In a culture that conditions us to think that we only deserve pleasure if we've 'earned' it, choosing to gift yourself a Tantric Massage is a radical, if not a revolutionary act of self-love. Highly recommended! The Dakini holds a sensitive and sacred space with high integrity. Great place, good atmosphere, excellent talented masseuses.
Y Bryves on Google

I had yesterday a cacao ceremony and tantra with Jaya. What a great moment/journey! I have more than 25 years experience in Tantra, and I will qualify this one of the best of my life! If you are in Budapest find 3 hours of your time to give a beautiful present to your body, min, soul and spirit! You need to meet this great tantrika! Yves (from Belgium)
Bussotti Nathan on Google

It is really the best tantric massage I've ever had in Budapest! Authentic and professional. Soft hands and gentle touch. It was absolutely amazing experience. Definitely will be back for more. Thank you!
paul maddison on Google

A most exhilarating and relaxing experience, I had the Special Tantra and Lingam massage seance with Sacred Cacao Ceremony (150') the cacao drink was an experience in itself. Jaya is a very warm, friendly and passionate lady, if you can connect with her and find your inner self, you'll have a great experience. The room was very well set out and calming the moment you go in. I will definitely go see her again when next in Budapest. All the best to everyone at Kamadeva. Thanks Jaya Big Hugs Paul

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