Mb Elit Luxury Kft. - Mb Elit Luxury Kft.

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Contact Mb Elit Luxury Kft.

Address :

Petneházy u. 52, 1139 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 52
Website : http://www.mbelittaxi.hu/
Categories :

Petneházy u. 52, 1139 Hungary
Deak Eva on Google

sahel kapoor on Google

András Rab on Google

Nem utaztam veluk , csak az ujsagokban ugyebar hir volt, hogy az egyik soforjuk bevont jogositvannyal okozott halalos balesetet.. Akinek van esze az keruli oket
I didn't travel with them, just in the newsagents it was rumored that one of their drivers had a fatal accident with a involved attorney.
Werner on Google

Viel teurer als ein offizielles Taxi. Fahrer unfreundlich und muffelig. Würde nur noch das offizielle gelbe Taxi nehmen, da kostet ein Kilometer 280 Forint.
Much more expensive than an official taxi. Driver unfriendly and musty. If I only took the official yellow taxi, it would cost 280 forints per kilometer.
Nagy Péter on Google

Idegbeteg taxisofőr ma belement a szabályosan közlekedő buszba a Kálvinon, megállt leblokkolva az összes busz közlekedését, és anyázott jó nagyokat.
A nervous taxi driver today got into the regular bus on Calvin, stopped blocking all bus traffic and mumbled good ones.
Balint Mezo on Google

Ramhuzta a kormanyt, amikor ezt szova tettem, kiszallt es meg akart verni.
Ramhuzta drove the government when I said that, and he wanted to beat me.
Jon Broude on Google

Needed to get to an airport hotel. Our driver tried to take us to the airport. We only worked out after he understood no English. Then took us to two wrong hotels, to spite us showing him on Google maps where it was.
Cecilia Bojanic on Google

How is it possible that the man on the other side of the phone pretends he doesn’t listen and start talking on top of your voice and at the end says you can order a taxi but I won’t send you and hangs up. What is wrong with this man! This type of people should never work on customer service

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