MELECS EWS GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe - MELECS EWS GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe

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Contact MELECS EWS GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe

Address :

Berkenyefa sor 2, 9027 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 2
Website :
Categories :

Berkenyefa sor 2, 9027 Hungary
shinkawa kazuo on Google

Aki teheti messze kerülje el ezt a helyet. Bárhol jobb dolgozni mint ennél a cégnél.
Who can do far away from this place. It's better to work anywhere than this company.
Юлия Бардаченко on Google

Большая территория. Чистый, светлый цех. Есть кафетерий. Место для курения.
Large territory. Clean, bright workshop. There is a cafeteria. Smoking area.
sanyi irsós on Google

Majdnem el tévedtem mert az akadémia van elől és a cég hátul a parkoló után
I was almost lost because the academy is in front and the company is in the back after the parking lot
Norbert Novák on Google

Na az árut ide címezték, de nem itt kellett lerakni.. Kissebb kálvária, de megoldódott, egy kis segítőkészséggel... Na ahol le kellett rakni, de az már más történet..
Well, the goods were addressed here, but they didn't have to be put down here. A smaller calvary, but it was solved, with a little helpfulness ... Well, where it had to be put down, but that's a different story.
Etelka Ihász on Google

Tapasztalat az van bőven! Próbaidő alatt vesemedence gyulladásom lett. Erre ők 14 nap után mikor már pont mentem volna vissza dolgozni, levélben felmondtak. Az egészségem fontosabb nekem! További szép napot Melecs EWS Gmb. Győr.
Experience abounds! During the probationary period I had inflammation of the kidney pelvis. After 14 days, when they would have gone back to work, they gave me a letter. My health is more important to me! Have a nice day Melecs EWS Gmb. Győr.
Róbert Muhovits on Google

Kicsit lassú az áruátvétel.
Максим Жигин on Google

Завод ниочень хороший роботаеш роботаеш а потом кокаето мадярка скажет што ти плохо роботаеш, так шо колективчик с гнельцой (
The plant is not very good, you work and then Kokaeto Madyarka will say that you work poorly, so sho team with a rotten (
Nmth Balázs on Google

Mostly bad management with the mentality to go around and constantly use the workforce with low income as a bio robot force who can only go to take a brake for 25 minutes a day and constantly has to work on every Saturday because they need to have some kind of production Would not recommend for even foreigners: - outdated machinery that mostly doesn't work but they want that daily number of products out of it - poorly managed overcomplicated almost everything - they don't care about setting some kind of standard to appreciate the workforce You better of avoid this place as a whole

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