Modulsys Informatikai és Tanácsadó Kft. - Modulsys Informatikai és Tanácsadó Kft.

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Modulsys Informatikai és Tanácsadó Kft.

Address :

Lóczy Lajos u. 26, 8200 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 26
Categories :

Lóczy Lajos u. 26, 8200 Hungary
Ferenc Toth on Google

Pontos felmérés, igényes kivitelezés. Csak a legjobbakat tudom róluk mondani.
Accurate survey, exacting workmanship. I can only say the best of them.
Péter Pichner on Google

Köszönjük a sok segítséget, melyeket szoftverfejlesztésben kaptunk tőletek! Remélem lesznek még közös projektjeink!
Thank you for the help we have received from software development! I hope we will have joint projects!
András Gáspár on Google

Segítőkészség és profizmus magas fokon, rendkívül gördülékenyen lehet a srácokkal együtt dolgozni, és szívből remélem, hogy a jövőben is lehetőségünk lesz a közös munkára!:)
Helpfulness and professionalism can work with the guys at a high level, and I sincerely hope that we will have the opportunity to work together in the future! :)
Zoltán Kultsár on Google

Tamással, a Modulsys ügyvezetőjével évekig dolgoztunk együtt. Szakmailag és emberileg is rendkívül nagyra értékelem, és örülök a sikereiknek.
We worked with Tamás, Modulsys' CEO for years. I highly appreciate both professionally and humanly and I am delighted with their success.
Tamás Csomor on Google

Profi és gyors munka. Webprogramozás téren kimagasló az országban, Veszprém környékén pedig szinte egyeduralkodó egyedi szoftverek terén.
Professional and fast work. Web programming is outstanding in the country and in the area of ​​Veszprém it is almost dominant in the field of custom software.
Anna Herboly on Google

csak a legmagasabb fokon tudok nyilatkozni :-) !! profi, gyors, rugalmas (többedszeri modositas utan is, khm... ;-) ), super keszseges-segitökesz az egesz csapat, megbizhato, csucs minösegi munka, szenzacios ar-ertek-arany - ES, mindemellett meg emlitesre melto az is, hogy az együttmüködes mindig gördülekenyen, nagyon barati hangnemben, super kellemesen zajlik :-). ide kene jarnia sok cegnek tanulni - akar minöseget, akar customer service-t, udvariassagot, vagy hasonlot... csak a legmelegebben tudom ajanlani - modulsys forever :-) !!! for non-hungarian speakers: this company is simply the best. I've worked w/ them for several years now - always a1 quality, very friendly, flexible and helpful staff, all of them super qualified experts who always perform tasks w/ utmost precision, accuracy, dedication and professionalism. can't wait for the next project to come - always a pleasure working w/ you :-) !!! will definitely recommend you to others. keep up the good work & thanks so much for all your excellent work :-) !!
I can only pronounce at the highest level :-) !! professional, fast, flexible (after multiple modifications, khm ... ;-)), super wholeheartedly-helpful whole team, reliable, excellent quality work, sensational value-gold - ES, but also that the collaboration is always smooth, very friendly, super pleasant :-). jarnia kene is here to learn for a lot of companies - wants quality, wants customer service, courtesy, or the like ... I can only recommend the hottest - modulsys forever :-) !!! for non-hungarian speakers: this company is simply the best. I've worked w / them for several years now - always a1 quality, very friendly, flexible and helpful staff, all of them super qualified experts who always perform tasks w / utmost precision, accuracy, dedication and professionalism. can't wait for your next project to come - always a pleasure working w / you :-) !!! will definitely recommend you to others. keep up the good work & thanks so much for all your excellent work :-) !!
Szilárd Kállai on Google

Tamás and team gives bright communication, bright ideas. Szilárd
Nikola Pantic on Google

These guys make professional work. They are helpful and creative. I recommend their accuracy, patience and professionalism to everybody.

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