Móra Gym Fitness

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Móra Gym Fitness

Address :

Móradomb körút, 6782 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +797
Categories :
City : Móradomb körút

Móradomb körút, 6782 Hungary
Gábor Kulcsár on Google

G Sz on Google

Attila Kiss-Torma on Google

Apró-Juhász Júlia on Google

Nagyon jól felszerelt, az ott dolgozók nagyon kedvesek, segítőkészek!
Very well equipped, the workers are very nice and helpful!
Krisztián Kiss on Google

Nagyon jól felszerelt terem! A bérlet árak is jók!
Very well equipped room! Rental rates are good too!
Csaba Markó on Google

Évek óta járok ide edzeni! Nagyon meg vagyok elégedve! Tágas, jól felszerelt konditerem. Mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom aki egy igényes helyen szeretne rendszeresen mozogni!
I've been to train for years! I'm very pleased! Spacious, well-equipped gym. I can only recommend to anyone who wants to move regularly in a demanding place!
Roman Antel on Google

Majitelka je bývalá fitness závodnice, takže ví, co je potřeba. Šatny v přízemí, nejsou zde skříňky, ale v Mórahalom si všichni navzájem tak nějak věří. U recepce jsou malé schránky na cennosti. Na recepci možno koupit doplňky stravy i cvičební pomůcky. Samotný gym je v nadzemním patře, je prostorný, čistý, stroje dobře udržované, dostatek železa i os, oddělená kardio zóna s běžeckými pásy, stepery i rotopedy. Parkování v pohodě před gymem.
The owner is a former fitness racer, so she knows what is needed. Locker rooms on the ground floor, there are no lockers, but in Mórahalom, everyone somehow trusts each other. At the reception there are small boxes for valuables. Food supplements and exercise equipment can be bought at reception. The gym itself is on the upper floor, is spacious, clean, machines well maintained, plenty of iron and axles, a separate cardio zone with treadmills, steppers and exercise bikes. Parking in front of the gym.
David Stokes-Hadley on Google

Great gym with fantastic equipment and plenty of space. Staff are welcoming, friendly and always on hand to give assistance. Great strength and conditioning facilities as well as small open gym space with punchbag and a full range of gym equipment. I wouldn't go anywhere else!

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