NAPSUGÁR ABC Supermarket,közért - NAPSUGÁR ABC Supermarket

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact NAPSUGÁR ABC Supermarket,közért

Address :

8171 Hungary

Categories :
City : közért

8171 Hungary
Norbert Máthé on Google

Nem rossz kis bolt, :) bár a zöldség, gyümölcs árak kicsit húzósak... :(
Not a bad little shop, :) although the prices of vegetables and fruits are a bit tight ... :(
Nóra Kocsis on Google

Kedvesek az eladók.
Dear sellers.
Kristóf István Novotni on Google

Meglepően nagy választék, az árak reálisak. Minden rendben volt, jár az 5 csillag.
Surprisingly large selection, prices are realistic. Everything was fine, act 5 stars.
Stefano Salvaggio on Google

Il peggior supermarket della zona! Prezzi esosi per prodotti pessimi! Quando si entra e si guardano gli scaffali, sembra di essere ancora nel regime comunista. La cosa più fastidiosa è che nonostante sia il punto vendita nel suo genere più centrico al villaggio, che vive soprattutto di turismo, predilige soprattutto la clientela autoctona, non adeguando nel periodo estivo l'offerta alla domanda. La giustificazione data dalla gestione è che non vogliono acquistare merci che poi rimangono invendute, però alle ore 0800, cioè un'ora dopo l'apertura, la maggior parte delle merci fresche (dolci, pane, frutta e verdura) è quasi esaurito! Pessima gestione! Infatti si è costretti ad acquistare presso i centri abitati vicini. NON CONSIGLIATO !
The worst supermarket in the area! Exorbitant prices for bad products! When you enter and look at the shelves, you seem to still be in the communist regime. The most annoying thing is that despite being the most centric store of its kind in the village, which mainly lives on tourism, it prefers above all the autochthonous clientele, not adapting the offer to the demand in the summer. The justification given by the management is that they do not want to buy goods which then remain unsold, but at 0800, that is one hour after opening, most of the fresh goods (sweets, bread, fruit and vegetables) are almost sold out! Bad management! In fact, one is forced to buy from nearby towns. NOT RECOMMENDED!
gryfWarties Mr. on Google

Nem tul kedvesek a ki szolgálok. Az áruk nem rosszak . Akinek kell még dohánybolt is van
The servants I serve are not very kind. The goods are not bad. Who even needs a tobacco shop
Szűcs Norbert on Google

Jól elhejezett kis bolt. Minden élelmiszert meg lehet kapni, ha egy gyors bevásárlás a cél.
Well placed small shop. All groceries can be obtained if a quick shopping is your goal.
Swan Weddings Esküvőszervezés on Google

Mintha visszacsöppentünk volna a nyolcvanas évekbe. Borzasztó régies az egész berendezés, a választék nagyon szerény, az is drága. A csemegepultban árválkodó virsliknek lassan lábuk nő, olyan régóta lehetnek ott.... Zöldség és gyümölcs se nagyon, a borokból is a noname, gyenge minőségűek sorakoznak a polcokon, pedig a Balatonnál illő lenne egy szélesebb bor szortiment. Sajnos más opció nincs ebben a városban, kénytelenek voltunk itt vásárolni.
It was as if we had fallen back into the eighties. Terribly old-fashioned throughout the equipment, the selection is very modest, it is also expensive. The sausages swarming in the delicatessen are slowly gaining ground, they may have been there for so long .... Vegetables and fruits are not very popular either, the wines are lined up on the shelves, although a wider range of wines would be appropriate at Lake Balaton. Unfortunately there is no other option in this city, we were forced to buy here.
C. N. on Google

Nice little shop, friendly employees and even though I cannot speak hungarian, I was able to get the stuff I needed :D

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