Nyugászat Kfc. - Nyugászat Kfc.

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Contact Nyugászat Kfc.

Address :

Maros utca 30, 1122 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 30
Website : http://nyugaszat.hu/
Categories :

Maros utca 30, 1122 Hungary
József Szalai on Google

Márta Papp on Google

Mária Markovics on Google

Orsolya Gulyás on Google

Captain Wuk on Google

Nem hiába hívják nyugászatnak minden kezelésen anyira nyugodt voltam hogy majdnem elaludtam! Pedig én nagyon félek az orvosoktól és tűktől! Szuper csapat!
Not in vain, I was calm to my mother for all treatments, I almost fell asleep! But I'm very afraid of doctors and needles! Super team!
Zoltán Hegedüs on Google

Dr. Kovács Gergelyhez jelentkeztem kezelésre. Elkezdte gyökérkezelni a fogam, nehezen boldogult vele. Rábeszélt a húzásra, szerinte, ha a hiány helyére hidat készít, az hosszútávon biztosabb megoldás. A húzás rendben ment, de sajnos a beavatkozás következményeként szepszist kaptam. Hat hétig voltam beteg, ebből három hétig 39 fokos lázzal feküdtem otthon, mert 2020. karácsonyakor nem mertem kórházba menni a covid járvány miatt. Még az utolsó beszélgetésünk alkalmával is csak azt bizonygatta, ő mindent jól csinált. Mélységesen csalódtam! Magas árak (a félbehagyott gyökérkezelésért és a húzásért 100ezer forintot kért), de sajnos ennek ellenére a felelősségvállalás teljes hiányát tapasztaltam! Sem számlát, sem kezelőlapot nem kaptam egyetlen alkalommal sem. Nem ajánlom!
I applied to Dr. Gergely Kovács for treatment. He started root canal treatment, he had a hard time with it. He persuaded him to pull, saying a bridge to replace the shortfall is a safer solution in the long run. The pull went okay, but unfortunately I got sepsis as a result of the intervention. I was sick for six weeks, of which I lay at home with a 39 degree fever for three weeks because I didn’t dare go to the hospital at Christmas 2020 because of the covid epidemic. Even on our last conversation, he just proved he did everything right. I was deeply disappointed! High prices (asked for 100 thousand forints for abandoned root canal treatment and pulling), but unfortunately I experienced a complete lack of responsibility! I didn’t get an invoice or a control sheet on a single occasion. I do not recommend!
R. J. on Google

My wife and I took a trip to Budapest and right before that, my wife had undergone an oral surgery that required plenty of stitches. She was supposed to have a follow up with her dentist when we were coming back from Budapest but due to some special circumstances, we had to stay a week longer and you can guess, the stitches were becoming a problem. This situation made us look for a local dentist in Budapest. By pure luck, we came across this wonderful clinic where Dr Szilvia Jakab was extremely accommodating and helpful. Not only that she helped my wife getting rid of the stitches but at the end, when she had finished and my wife asked her how much was it, she simply said, “c’mon, they were only stitches, you don’t owe me anything”. Well, thank you Dr Szilvia! Besides being a great doctor, you are a true humanitarian and a wonderful person! God bless your heart!

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