On The Spot Hostel - On The Spot Hostel

1/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact On The Spot Hostel

Address :

Teréz krt. 20, 1066 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +89989
Postal code : 20
Categories :

Teréz krt. 20, 1066 Hungary
Sofía Delioma Hernández Asensio on Google

Adrià Magraner i Villalba on Google

El pitjor lloc on he estat allotjat. The worst place I've ever been hosted.
The worst place where I have been staying. The worst place I've ever been hosted.
Sara De Angelis on Google

Posizione buona, il resto assolutamente no! Bagni sporchi e disordinati, letti scomodi e rotti, personale inquietante e che non garantisce la sicurezza e non ci sono armadietti in cui lasciare i propri zaini o effetti personali! No privacy!!! Peggior ostello in cui sia mai stata! Mai più. Io e le mie amiche ci dovevamo lavarci i denti nella vasca!!! Lo sconsiglio con tutta me stessa! Evitate!
Good location, the rest absolutely not! Dirty and messy bathrooms, uncomfortable and broken beds, disquieting staff that does not guarantee safety and there are no lockers in which to leave your own backpacks or personal effects! No privacy !!! Worst hostel I've ever been in! Never again. My friends and I had to brush our teeth in the tub !!! I do not recommend it with all of myself! Avoid!
Gonzalo Alonso on Google

We booked 3 days but got surprised there were no left rooms at arrival time. Viktor offered us a bed and two mattress! He complained about a missing communication from Booking. Yet he wanted to charge us the hole price as shown at Booking. For two DAM MATTRESS ON THE FLOOR!! He used googl translator to talk to us, as he wasn't able to speak English, while they list English as a available language. The rooms are jus a bunch of bunked beds, rock music as ambient at 1:30AM. Untidy, dirty humid place with simple table acting as a desk. It's difficult to forget how badly he treated us, unfriendly! We decided to go away and look for another hostel. So many options here at Budapest to choose! I definitely don't recommend this place

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