Ózd városi Piaccsarnok - Ózd

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ózd városi Piaccsarnok

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3600 Hungary

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City : Ózd városi Piaccsarnok

3600 Hungary
Ágnes Tóth on Google

Tavalyhoz képest szép áru igaz a drágaság maradt, de legalább a minőség jobb.
Compared to last year's nice goods is true of the expensive leftover, but at least the quality is better.
András Kovárczi on Google

Elég üres volt szombat délelőtt.
It was pretty empty Saturday morning.
Janos Danyi on Google

Elmentünk a piacra,az eső elmosott mindent
We went to the market, the rain washed away everything
Anna Farkas on Google

Sok sok zöldség friss árukat lehet benne vasarolni
Many fresh vegetables can be bought in it
Kiss Erzsébet on Google

Minden szombat reggel meg van a talp masszázs. Elég durva a talaj,de ez nem tart vissza a piaci körsétától
There is a foot massage every Saturday morning. The ground is quite rough, but that doesn’t deter you from walking around the market
Sándor Széles on Google

Pénteken jártam arra. Árubőséget és megfizethető árakat láttam. A kofák kedvesek voltak.
I went there on Friday. I saw an abundance of goods and affordable prices. The sofas were nice.
András Halmágyi on Google

A nagyobb árusok még mindig a régi zöldséges piacon árulnak. A hely alig van kihasználva.
Radovan Sojka on Google

Celkom slušný trh, čo sa týka veľkosti aj rozmanitosti tovaru. Na začiatku sú drevené stánky s mäsovým výrobkami. Klobásy sú veľmi dobré, ale solené a údené karé a rôzne dtuhy slaniny sú veľmi pre solené. Potom je tu budova starej tržnice a v nej kopa predajcov čalamády a pod. Hodne predajcov ovocia a zeleniny, jedna pekáreň tu má predajňu. Na konci tejto starej tržnice je obchod s cestovinami a vajíčkami. A trošku ďalej je obrovská nová tržnica. Aj tu sa predáva hlavne ovocie a zelenina. No a na túto novú zastrešenú tržnici plynule nadväzuje nezastrešený trh ale tu bol na predaj len čínsky tovar, väčšinou oblečenie.
Quite a decent market in terms of size and variety of goods. At the beginning there are wooden stalls with meat products. Sausages are very good, but salted and smoked loin and various types of bacon are very salty. Then there is the building of the old market and there are a bunch of vendors, etc. Lots of fruit and vegetable sellers, one bakery has a shop here. At the end of this old market is a pasta and egg shop. And a little further is a huge new market. Here, too, mainly fruits and vegetables are sold. And this new roofed market is seamlessly followed by an uncovered market, but there was only Chinese goods for sale, mostly clothes.

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