Party Point Mammut - Lufi és Party kellékek

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Party Point Mammut - Lufi és Party kellékek

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Mamut 2 Bevásárlóközpont, Lővőház utca 2., 1027 Hungary

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Mamut 2 Bevásárlóközpont, Lővőház utca 2., 1027 Hungary
Gergely Balatoni on Google

Egyáltalan nem ajánlom senkinek. 3 héliumos lufit vettünk, és 1 napon belül 2 már a földön feküdt, a harmadik meg épp hogy tartotta a saját súlyát. Kössz a semmit.
I don't recommend it to anyone. We bought 3 helium balloons and within 1 day 2 were already on the ground and the third was holding its own weight. Thank you for anything.
Bogáthy Judit on Google

heliumos lufikat vettem itt 2 napja, 7 db ot 2800 Ft ert...a lufik szinei csodasak de elhozatalkor a lufikat osszetartó vedő csomagolast nem tudtak adni hozza ...csak a kezembenyomtak , hogy vigyem ugy ahogy tudom ....a villamoson. Nem kis szel volt aznap es igy kellett a “ kis csomaggal” hazajutnom . Megusztam...masnap reggel a koszontes napjan mar a foldon volt 1 a csokorbol mara pedig az osszes lufi. Csalodas!!! En nem fogok itt tobbet vasarolni heliumos lufikat!
I bought helium balloons here 2 days ago, 7 pieces for 2800 HUF ... the colors of the balloons are wonderful, but when I brought them, they couldn't bring the packaging that holds the balloons ... they just pushed them in my hand to take them as I know .... on the tram. There was quite a bit of wind that day and so I had to get home with the “little package”. I got lost ... the next morning on a dirty day I had 1 of the bouquets on the fold and all the balloons. Disappointment!!! I'm not going to buy more helium balloons here!
Mihály Czövek on Google

Kevés időnk volt lufit venni egy napos vasárnap délelőtt, ezért a Moszkva térre vettük az irányt mert úgy láttuk csak a Mammutban lévő Party Point van nyitva a környéken azon a napon. Gyorsan bementünk és megkerestük az első információs kijelzőt a Mammut 1-ben, mivel ugyan a cím szerint a 2-ben van, de a GPS pontnak jobban hittem. A tájékoztató pult a Mammut 2 -1 szintjére irányított minket, azonban ott nem találtunk semmit, viszont ekkor már nem volt időnk újra megkeresni az üzletet vagy azon tanakodni, hogy vajon elköltöztek vagy máshol lennének, ezért továbbálltunk. A Mammut hivatalos honlapja is ellentmondásos, hiszen ott is a 2 -1. szintje és az 1 földszintje is szerepel. Az 1 csillag a rossz tájékoztatásért jár.
We had little time to buy balloons on a sunny Sunday morning, so we headed to Moscow Square because we saw only the Party Point in Mammut was open in the area that day. We quickly went in and looked for the first information display in Mammut 1, as although it is in 2 according to the title, I believed the GPS point better. The information desk directed us to the Mammut 2 -1 level, however, we couldn’t find anything there, but at that time we no longer had time to look for the business again or wonder if they had moved or would be elsewhere, so we moved on. The official website of Mammut is also controversial, as there is also a 2 -1. level 1 and ground level 1 are also included. 1 star is for bad information.
Panna Csillag on Google

A héliumos lufik egy nap alatt leeresztettek, 3 volt összekötve egy csomóba elvileg, gyakorlatilag az egyik nem volt benne rendesen és elrepült :( Ehhez társult a bunkó kiszolgálás. Nem ajánlom senkinek a boltot.
The helium balloons were lowered in one day, 3 were connected in a bunch in principle, practically one was not in it properly and flew away :( This was accompanied by the jerk service. I would not recommend the store to anyone.
Zsolesz Zsolesz on Google

Barátságtalan, bunkó és flegma, udvariatlan női eladó. Előttem is többen vásárlás nélkül elhagyták az üzletet. A távozók felé az eladó válasza "Nem kell idejönni vásárolni, legalább nem kell bajlódnunk a sok hülye vevőkkel és végre kevesebb van belölük." Mindenki kerülje el őket nagy ívben, és ha nem lesz aki vásároljon tölük, akkor talán rájönnek, hogy vásárlók nélkül, hamar bezárnak és munka nélkül maradnak. Tulajdonosoknak nem ártana a helyzeten változtatniuk.
Unfriendly, jerk and phlegm, rude female salesman. Even before me, several people left the store without buying. Towards the departures, the seller's response is "We don't have to come here to buy, at least we don't have to bother with a lot of stupid buyers and finally have less of them." Everyone avoids them in a big arc, and if there won’t be anyone to buy from them, they might realize that without customers, they close quickly and are left without work. It would not hurt for owners to change the situation.
Balázs Horváth on Google

Zárási idő előtti utolsó pillanatban estem be, de szó nélkül kiszolgáltak, nem sürgettek. Kicsit talán drágábbnak mondanám más hasonló helyekhez képest, de nem nagy az eltérés. Mikor ott vásároltam, elég gyér választék volt fólia lufik téren, ezért a 3 ⭐
I fell in at the last minute before closing time, but they were served without a word, not urged. I would say a little more expensive compared to other similar places, but the difference is not much. When I bought there, there was quite a few choices in foil balloons square, so the 3 ⭐
Marcel on Google

It was hard to find as shopping mall information staff couldn’t properly where it is. We tried calling them before going there for 10 minutes and no one picked up. We got absolutely no help with finding what we were looking for, as they were low on inventory and only had our balloon on display. She was extremely caught up with 2 males giving some order to her and she didn’t seem to care about customer service. So we ended undoing the tie of the ballon, after a minute she comes screaming at us for doing it ourselves. This was all after we asked her if we can buy the one we were looking for. Then, our absolute favorite part, upon trying to pay by card for a $10+ purchase. Sorry you can’t pay by card. Even though we saw the POS terminal out on the counter. Wonderful black market.
Luisa Fernanda Muñoz on Google

I'm surprised how ban rated ia the store. I consider quite big and filled of stuffs but what I like the most was the guy who help me. Unfortunately I didn't get his name, but he was so nice, perfect English and lovely customer service. Long time ago I haven't received such a good service! Thank you :)

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