Patricius Borház Kft. - Patricius Borház Kft.

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Contact Patricius Borház Kft.

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Várhegy dűlő, 3917 Hungary

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City : Várhegy dűlő

Várhegy dűlő, 3917 Hungary
Dávid Máthé on Google

Remek borok, nyugodt környezet, király kaja!
Great wines, calm environment, king food!
Zsófi Szabó on Google

Tudtuk, hogy maradandó élmény lesz ellátogatni a birtokra, viszont a borkósolás és a birtoklátogatás igazság szerint minden várakozásunkat felülműlta. A helyszín magávalragadó, a csapat rendkívül közvetlen és profi, a borok pedig nem túlzás, hogy az eddig bárhol kóstoltakat kenterbe verték. Köszönjük a lehetőséget, és habár már több hete volt az esemény és egy ideig sajnos nem lesz lehetőség ellátogatni a Patrícius borházba, már nagyon várjuk a következőt alkalmat és addig is, folyamatosan élvezzük és utánpótoljuk a Katinkát. :) Köszönjük!
We knew it would be a lasting experience to visit the estate, but wine tasting and visiting the estate, in truth, exceeded all our expectations. The venue is captivating, the team is extremely direct and professional, and the wines are no exaggeration for those who have tasted anywhere anywhere so far. Thank you for the opportunity, and although the event has been going on for several weeks and for a while unfortunately there will be no opportunity to visit the Patrician Wine House, we are looking forward to the next opportunity and in the meantime, we will continue to enjoy and replenish Katinka. :) Thank You!
Yuri Groschovskiy on Google

Скажу так, я не большой знаток токайских вин, но большой их поклонник.Patricius - это круто. Не располагая большим бюджетом брал самые дешевые сорта вин, понравились все, что уж говорить про те, что подороже. Учтите, что для посещения нужно созваниваться заранее, но нам сделали исключение.Управляющий вежлив, неплохо говорит по-русски.
I will say this, I'm not a great connoisseur of Tokai wines, but a big fan of them. Patricius is cool. Not having a large budget, he took the cheapest types of wines, I liked everything, let alone those that are more expensive. Please note that you need to call up in advance to visit, but they made an exception. The manager is polite, speaks good Russian.
Wiesław Łatała on Google

Bardzo dobre wina, jednakże sposób traktowania klienta na poziomie z czasu realnego socjalizmu. Znając opinie o winach przyjechałem je kupić, ale oczywiście chciałem skosztować przed zakupem. Zamówiłem degustacje i następnie po kilka butelek praktycznie z każdego degustowanego wina kupiłem plus dodatkowo jeszcze w drodze wyjątku mogłem frizzante mogłem zdegustować bez gazu i tez nabyłem kilka sztuk. Zapłaciłem wielokrotność ceny degustacji za wino. Zapakowałem wino do samochodu i wówczas przybiegła sprzedająca Pani, że jeszcze nie policzyła kosztu degustacji i musze się wrócić i zapłacić. Pierwszy raz spotkałem się z taką sytuacją, kiedy kupując wina musiałem zapłacić za degustacje, zazwyczaj dostaje przy takich zakupach dodatkową butelkę wina. Będę unikał teraz tego miejsca i tych win, choć te kupione wypije z przyjemniością.
Very good wines, but the treatment of the client on the level from the time of real socialism. Knowing the opinions about wines, I came to buy them, but of course I wanted to taste before buying. I ordered tasting and then I bought a few bottles of practically every tasted wine, plus additionally, as an exception, I could taste the frizzante without gas and also bought a few. I paid a multiple of the tasting price for the wine. I packed the wine into the car and then the selling lady came running that she had not yet counted the cost of the tasting and I had to come back and pay. The first time I have encountered such a situation, when I had to buy wine, I had to pay for tasting, usually I get an extra bottle of wine with such purchases. I will avoid this place and these wines now, although I will drink the ones I buy with pleasure.
Joachim Müller on Google

Sehr schönes Weingut, freundlich und kompetent, unbedingt den Sekt, Frizannte und die Katinka probieren. Auch der im Holz ausgebaute Furmint 2018 ist hervorragend.
Very nice winery, friendly and competent, definitely try the sparkling wine, frizanne and the katinka. The Furmint 2018 aged in wood is also excellent.
WineMag on Google

Tra le migliori cantine ungheresi. Vini disponibili anche in Italia su Patricius Winery è frutto dell'impegno della famiglia Kékessy nella regione di Tokaj. Dezső Kékessy guida la cantina assieme alla figlia Katinka, contando sull'esperienza del direttore generale Péter Molnár. Le prime tracce della famiglia nella viticoltura della regione risalgono al XVIII secolo. La tenuta conta oggi 85 ettari e può vantare otto vigneti storici "Premier Cru". La cantina, situata per la precisione a Bodrogkisfalud, è ricavata attorno a un'elegante casa colonica, sede dell'enoteca con sala degustazione. La vinificazione delle uve avviene per gravità, nelle sale completamente interrate. Una scelta che riflette la coesistenza di tradizione e modernità, in un Paesaggio come Tokaj, patrimonio dell'Umanità dell'Unesco.
Among the best Hungarian wineries. Wines also available in Italy on Patricius Winery is the result of the commitment of the Kékessy family in the Tokaj region. Dezső Kékessy leads the winery together with his daughter Katinka, relying on the experience of the general manager Péter Molnár. The first traces of the family in the viticulture of the region date back to the 18th century. The estate now has 85 hectares and can boast eight historic "Premier Cru" vineyards. The cellar, located in Bodrogkisfalud to be precise, is built around an elegant farmhouse, home to the wine shop with tasting room. The vinification of the grapes takes place by gravity, in completely underground rooms. A choice that reflects the coexistence of tradition and modernity, in a landscape like Tokaj, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
kévin Zbinden on Google

Thanks a lot for coming quickly after your meal to receive us. Was really interesting meeting and degustation. For toursit, it's better to phone and book few days before.
Patrik Bodnár on Google

Amazing WINERY. With the best Tokaj wine, that wons a lot of wine competitions. They are starting to doing food events, and if you combine the food with this amazing Tokaj wine, there is no better thing. Just turn left from the main street and go little bit up under the hill. You will find your second home. Really recommend to try this taste.

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