Pegi-vet Kft. - Pegi-vet Kft.

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pegi-vet Kft.

Address :

Fészek utca 14, 7200 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +779
Postal code : 14
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Fészek utca 14, 7200 Hungary
Katalin Fazekasnè Dudás on Google

Nagyon kedvesek, segítőkészek az orvosok, asszisztensek, közvetlenek. Lelkiismeretes munkát végeznek
The doctors, assistants, direct are very kind and helpful. They do conscientious work
Tamara Horváth on Google

Nagyon kedvesek, segítőkészek. És ami a legfontosabb, hogy kifejezetten állatbarátok! Mi csak hozzájuk visszük a kis tacskónkat már 13 éve :)
They are very kind, helpful. And most importantly, specifically for animal lovers! We've only been bringing our little dachshund to them for 13 years :)
Andrea Andirkó on Google

A yorkinkat operálta a Dr.nő.Az asszisztensek extra odafigyeléssel voltak a kutyára!? Minden komplikáció nélkül és további kezelés nélkül zajlott.Nagyon hálás vagyok,köszönjük.Jövőre csak oltásra jövünk!?
Our york was operated by Dr..Assistants paid extra attention to the dog! ? It took place without any complications and without further treatment. I am very grateful, thank you. We will only be vaccinated next year! ?
Kinga Gáspár on Google

Minden városba kellene legalább egy ilyen felszerelt állatorvosi rendelő ilyen személyzettel! Lelkiismeretessen végzik a munkájukat, állatbarátok nagyon kedvesek. Bátran ajánlom mindenkinek, igazából csak Őket merem ajánlani azoknak a gazdiknak akiknél a házikedvenc családtagnak számít. Nagyon izgultam 11,5 éves kutyusunk műtéte előtt mindaddig amíg odaértünk és a Dr Úr meg nem nyugtatott. Elmúlott minden félelmem és biztos voltam benne hogy a kutyust megmentik, amiért nem tudunk elég hálásak lenni. Ezek a képek műtét után készültek! Ők mindent megtesznek az állatokért! Legjobbak vagytok ???
Every city should have at least one such equipped veterinary clinic with such staff! They do their work conscientiously, animal lovers are very kind. I strongly recommend it to everyone, I really only dare to recommend it to the owners where the pet is a family member. I was very excited before the surgery of our 11.5 year old puppy until we got there and the Lord reassured me. All my fears were gone and I was sure the puppy would be saved for not being grateful enough. These pictures were taken after surgery! They do everything for the animals! You are the best ???
Helena Szincsák on Google

Könnyen oda találtam! Az utcában ingyenes a parkolás.Sajnos későn hoztam el a kutyánkat ide! Hiba volt!☹ Megbíztam egy másik állatorvosban! Inkább utazok egy órát, de csak ide hozom! Nagyszerű, hozzáértő orvos Dr. Pelbát József! Az asszisztens hölgy(ek) is közvetlenek, kedvesek állatszeretők! Csak ajánlani tudom!
I found it easily! Parking on the street is free. Unfortunately, I brought our dog here late! It was a mistake! ☹ I trusted another veterinarian! I'd rather travel for an hour, but I'll just bring it here! Great, competent doctor Dr. József Pelbát! The assistant lady (s) are also direct, dear animal lovers! I can only recommend!
hans arnouts on Google

ferry good doktor
k lö on Google

Today we found a badly wounded bird (raven) on the road. We stopped, grabbed it, and delivered it to the nearest vet. That is how every human being should act, for caring for wildlife should belong to all of us. The only correct and humane solution for this bird was euthanasia, which the doctor did. What really surprised me was that we wanted to be billed for this. This clinic apparently doesn’t want to do any charity or help wildlife for free in any way. I thought it was really weird. This isn’t the first time I’ve helped a wildlife ... but it was the first time a vet wants to take a wild bird cessation fee. Those veterinarians who work genuinely from the heart and know they can help would certainly not fund another person helping the wildlife. I myself help an animal in need of help without a fee or for a fee, that’s not it. It is more a matter of principle and doing good. Of course, that would also be desirable from a veterinarian in the case of a wild animal. In this context, it is necessary to mention Kisállatok rendelője in Pécs, who receive and help all their wildlife to the best of their ability ... and only because they know they can help, genuinely care and want to do good in addition to their actual work. Some people just do work with their hearts more than others.
Heli Sundell on Google

We have used this clinic with our dogs many times, but today´s events were "a little bit" surprising. That´s why, i have to write a comment and give just one star. Today we found a badly injured bird (raven) on the road. We stopped, catched it and took it to the nearest vet. The only right and humane solution for this bird was euthanasia, which the doctor did...RIP... What really surprised us was that they wanted to charge us for that . This clinic apparently doesn’t want to do any charity or help even wildlife without payment. We think, it was very weird. This isn’t the first time, when we are helping a wild animal, but this was the first time, when a vet wants to take payment for this kind of little service for wildlife. We think, those veterinarians who work genuinely from the heart, would certainly not charge another person who is helping wildlife like this. For us, it´s not about the money (we will help animals with or without payment), it´s matter of principle and doing good. In the case of a wild animal, of course we would wish that also from a vet....but in this case, we waited some time, got back the dead bird, paid and buried raven at home. For some people, doing good comes from their hearts, for others it doesn´t. Anyway, taking care of wildlife belongs to all of us!!!

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