Pharmarosa Kft. - Pharmarosa Kft.

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pharmarosa Kft.

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Ültetvény u. 8, 1188 Hungary

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Ültetvény u. 8, 1188 Hungary
Dr. Viktoria Kerekes on Google

Mar szinte sehol sem kaphato Austin rozsakat vettem innen. A csomagolas nagyon jol ki van talalva. Siman fogok merni ide (kulfoldi lakcim) is rendelni. Ez a csomagolas orszagokon keresztul is kirart es vedi a novenyt.
I bought Austin rye from almost nowhere. The packaging is very well thought out. I will dare to order here smoothly (kulfoldi lakcim). This packaging also wraps through the countries and takes the plant.
Peter Brunovský on Google

Veľká spokojnosť s kvalitou ruží, tovar perfektne zabalený. Široký výber odrod a priaznivé ceny. Ďakujem
Great satisfaction with the quality of roses, goods perfectly wrapped. Wide selection of varieties and favorable prices. well thank you
Gabriel on Google

Este a treia oara cand comand. Prima oara mi-au trimis niste trandafiri foarte sanatosi si frumosi, a doua oara unii mai mici si piperniciti, nici nu stiu daca vor trece iarna(pusi din primavara), dintre care pe unul il suspectez de mozaic. A treia oara am primit unul uscat si restul foarte anemici dar si cu fainare, a patra oara nu mai comand de la ei.....
This is my third time ordering. The first time they sent me some very healthy and beautiful roses, the second time some smaller and stingy ones, I don't even know if they will spend the winter (put in the spring), one of which I suspect is a mosaic. The third time I received a dry one and the rest very anemic but also with powdery mildew, the fourth time I do not order from them .....
Dori S.H. on Google

Es la primera y la última vez que compró en este sitio. He hecho un pedido de 100 € en rosales y son con mucha diferencia los más raquíticos que he recibido nunca y no son precisamente baratos. Les he escrito un email mostrándoles mi descontento y ni siquiera me han respondido.
It is the first and last time you bought on this site. I have placed an order for €100 worth of rose bushes and they are by far the most rickety I have ever received and they are not exactly cheap. I have written them an email showing my dissatisfaction and they have not even responded.
Helena Simon on Google

Kertészetekben nem találtam nagy választékot rózsából, így félve, de gondoltam rendelek internetről. Itt hatalmas a választék mind fajtában, mind színben, így végre találtam az elképzeléseimnek megfelelő rózsákat. A növények hamar megérkeztek épségben, nagyon gondosan csomagolva, szép bokrosak, tele bimbókkal, van amelyik már virágzik is. Abszolút pozitív tapasztalat, máskor is szívesen rendelnék innen :)
I didn’t find a large selection of roses in gardening, so I was scared, but I thought I was ordering from the internet. There is a huge selection here, both in variety and color, so I finally found the roses that matched my ideas. The plants soon arrived intact, very carefully packaged, beautiful bushes, full of buds, some of which are already in bloom. Absolutely positive experience, I would love to order from here again :)
Ute Loy on Google

Lange habe ich überlegt, Rosen im Onlinehandel zu kaufen. Nachdem der Preis annehmbar ist, habe ich es gewagt. Und was soll ich sagen ... 4 Edelrosen bestellt und erhalten. Bisher konnte ich bei keinem anderen Onlineshop sagen, dass alles hervorragend gelaufen ist. Pharmarosa, von euch können sich andere eine Scheibe abschneiden! Die Ware sehr gute Qualität zum günstigsten Preis, aber zu 100% zufriedenstellend verpackt. Da war nichts verrutscht, nichts abgebrochen und die Erde war im Topf, wo sie hingehört. Die Rechnung in einer DinA4-Hülle sauber und ordentlich. Der Versand hat super geklappt und war sehr schnell! Bitte macht so weiter, ich brauche noch so einiges ☺️
For a long time I thought about buying roses online. Since the price is acceptable, I took a chance. And what can I say ... 4 hybrid tea roses ordered and received. So far I have not been able to say with any other online shop that everything went extremely well. Pharmarosa, others can learn from you! The goods very good quality at the cheapest price but 100% satisfactorily packaged. Nothing had slipped, nothing broken off and the soil was in the pot where it belongs. The invoice neat and tidy in a DinA4 sleeve. Shipping was great and very fast! Please keep it up, I still need a lot ☺️
Silviu Dima on Google

The roses arrived in top condition from Hungary to Romania. Best packaging and tagging I ever received with a plant order, especially that it was international. Professional company with great products !
Mari Collet on Google

Just received my order of 3 roses. They look healthy and happy. Will be planting shortly.

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