Rajka Park - Rajka Park

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rajka Park

Address :

Móricz Zsigmond u. 23, 9224 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +798997
Postal code : 23
Categories :

Móricz Zsigmond u. 23, 9224 Hungary
Imre Dinnyes on Google

Kellemes, árnyas hely. Közel a katolikus templom, bolt. Tiszta vizű kút. Hosszú kerékpártúra végállomása volt nekem. Igazi felfrissülést jelentett. Köszi Rajka.
Pleasant, shady place. Near the Catholic church, shop. Clean water well. It was the end of a long bike tour for me. It was a real refreshment. Thanks Rajka.
Štefan Polák on Google

Lebo som si objednal menu a bolo mi povedané že polievka us nieje ale za jedlo som musel zaplatiť ako keby som polievku mal.Ked som sa nato pital casnicki tej mi povedala že sa to nedá odrátať.?
Because I ordered a menu and I was told that the soup is not us, but I had to pay for the food as if I had soup.
Attila Kosik on Google

Krasne a kludne miesto na vydychnutie...
Béla Nád on Google

Hatalmas szobor vonja magára tekintet. Elszánt katonát ábrázolt, olyant, aki, mint a gárdisták „meghal, de megadni nem adja magát”. A talapzatán egy igaz mondat Reinhold Samulsohn verséből: „ Sie gaben ihr alles, ihr Leben, ihr Blut Sie gaben es hin mit heiligen Mut für uns!” A főtéren aztán egy árnyas fa alatt ráakadhatunk Nepomuki Szent János szobrára is. A barokkos hangulatú művön nem egyedül múlatja az időt. Két angyalkával osztja meg a talapzatot.
A huge statue attracts attention. He portrayed a determined soldier, one who, like the Guards, “dies but does not give himself up”. On his pedestal is a true sentence from Reinhold Samulsohn’s poem: “Sie gaben ihr alles, ihr Leben, ihr Blut These items are available in other parts für uns! ” In the main square we can then find the statue of St. John of Nepomuk under a shady tree. He does not spend time alone on the Baroque atmosphere of the work. He shares the pedestal with two angels.
Lucia Pawlikova on Google

Nice and quiet
Marek Štubniak on Google

Nice place!
Toth on Google

Lovely park in the middle of the town. It is clean, grocerie store and Tabak shop avaliable next to it.
Bryan on Google

There are different festivals here throughout the year where the whole park lights up. Other than, nice for a weekend stroll.

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