Retel Vitéz Panzió - Retel Vitéz Panzió

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Retel Vitéz Panzió

Address :

Attila utca 2, 3950 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 2
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Description : No-frills rooms in a modest budget hotel offering rental boats & canoes, plus a terrace.

Attila utca 2, 3950 Hungary
Attila Zlatnik on Google

Nagyon jó elhelyezkedés, azonban a főút mellett közvetlenül van az épület. Emiatt különösen a legelső szoba rendkívül zajos.
Very good location, but the building is right next to the main road. Because of this, the very first room in particular is extremely noisy.
Zoltán Makkay on Google

Kedves fogadás. A szoba tiszta és jól felszerelt. A légkondi volt a fűtés. Egyenlőre ez elég de van radiátor is. Nekem elegendő volt. A környék csöndes. Hozzá tenném hogy jóformán tényleg csak alvásra használtam a szobát mert a rally hungaryn voltam mint fotós és általában este 9-10 felé értem oda és hajnali fél 5 felé indultam el... de közben csend és nyugalom volt.
Dear reception. The room is clean and well equipped. The air conditioning was the heating. For now, that's enough, but there's also a radiator. That was enough for me. The area is quiet. I would add that I pretty much really only used the room for sleep because I was a photographer at the rally in Hungary and I usually got there at 9-10 in the evening and headed for half past 5 in the morning ... but there was peace and quiet in the meantime.
Tünde Cseh on Google

Nagyon jó helyen van. Tiszta, rendes, jól felszerelt appartmentben voltunk. Nagyon tetszett az udvara a sok virággal és a hintaággyal. Az udvarban parkolni is lehet. Ár-érték arányban tökéletes.
It's in a very good place. We were in a clean, tidy, well-equipped appartment. I really liked his yard with lots of flowers and a hammock. You can also park in the yard. Perfect value for money.
Robi Gerzsany on Google

Kiváló elhelyezkedés, parkolási lehetőség a vár szomszédságában, működő wi-fivel. Étkezés nem igényelhető, piknik terület és konyha van a 2-4 személyes apartmanban. Ha valakinek kispárna kell, előre kérjen mert csak nagy órán van a szobákban. Aprtman jellegű szállások a recepciós épület szomszédságában találhatók.
Excellent location, parking in the neighborhood of the castle, with working wi-fi. Meals are not available, there is a picnic area and a kitchen in the apartment for 2-4 people. If someone needs a small pillow, ask in advance because there are only big hours in the rooms. Aprtman-style accommodation is located next to the reception building.
Györgyi Gégény on Google

Nagyon jó helyen, belvárosban található, közel a várhoz. A szállásadó nagyon kedves. Az ágy kényelmes. Ha rendezvény van a Bodrog parton, az mind hallható. Legkondinak nagy hasznát vettük. Tiszta, kényelmes apartman. Egyetlen negatívum az épület dohos szaga.
It is located in a very good location, downtown, close to the castle. The landlord is very kind. The bed is comfortable. If there is an event on the shores of Bodrog, it can all be heard. We took great advantage of Legondi. Clean, comfortable apartment. The only negative is the musty smell of the building.
Era Kiss on Google

Az apartman konyhája koszos, minden ragadt vagy csúszott a zsírtól. A mosogató oldala tiszta trutyi, a vizforraló vízköves. Szedett-vedett étkészlet és poharak. Edény 0. Az aszton maszkaltak a hangyák. A fürdő legalább tiszta volt. Az emeleti szobák teljesen áthallatszanak. A kerti kiülő is tiszta ragacs, koszos, poros, hamus, pókhálós. Az udvarra való beállás csak magas alvazú kocsival ajánlott.
The kitchen in the apartment is dirty, everything is stuck or slipped from grease. The side of the sink is clean trutyi, the kettle is limescale. Picked-up tableware and glasses. Pot 0. The ants were masked on the table. At least the bathroom was clean. The upstairs rooms are completely audible. The garden seat is also clean sticky, dirty, dusty, ashes, cobwebs. Parking in the yard is only recommended with a high-sleeper car.
Gábor Borcsik on Google

Az apartmanban kaptunk szállást,ami tiszta volt és ár-érték arányban tökéletesen megfelelt.Csak ajánlani tudom.
We got accommodation in the apartment, which was clean and perfectly value for money. I can only recommend it.
Sasi Emőke on Google

This nicely located panzio of Sárospatak needs refurbishment and repairs. It is very outdated with very old beds and mattresses. Our bed was creaking that much whenever my husband moved during his sleep, the kids wake up. The room had a mouldy smell. Very weak WiFi. And the worst was the bee hive and the way the staff handled it. We arrived late around 8 pm so we quickly put the kids to bed and started packing and sorting our stuff afterward. Then I discovered there are few bees on the wall of the bathroom. Later I have seen they are starting to form a bee hive on the lamp on the ceiling. My mother is highly allergic to bee's bite. She could die if she got bitten. It was very late 9 pmish. So I quickly closed the door and forbid her to go alone to the bathroom. Next morning husband asked the receptionist to deal with the situation. They came with a chemical spray and a vacuum cleaner. Asked them to remove the lamp as bees are building their home there. After a couple of minutes they said the situation is solved. But the bathroom window should not be opened at any time. Which seems unreasonable as it is a bathroom and it was hot and bad smelling there. As I had argued with them being this the best solution they were very rude. At the end we decided to move out and found another place.

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