Saint Nicholas Cathedral - Saint Nicholas Cathedral

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Saint Nicholas Cathedral

Address :

Szent Miklós park 2, 5700 Hungary

Postal code : 2
Categories :

Szent Miklós park 2, 5700 Hungary
Roland Vass on Google

Lendületből pozitívum, hogy be lehetett menni megnézni. Amúgy érdekes is, ha erre sétálsz, szánj rá pár percet!
It is positive that it was possible to go in to see it. Anyway, if you're walking around, take a few minutes!
Gyöngyi Zum on Google

Nagyon szép megható a templom,mi december 31.-én voltunk és nem voltak zárva a kapui.Segítőkész volt a lelkész úr :)Egyszerűen gyönyörű :)
Very nice touching to the church, we were on December 31st and the gates were not closed.The pastor was helpful:) Simply beautiful :)
Adrian Fulea on Google

Fiind în concediu cu soția am participat am participat la slujba de Înviere, care ne-a plăcut foarte mult și vom reveni cu plăcere.
Being on vacation with my wife I attended the Resurrection service, which we really enjoyed and we will be happy to return.
Góg Péterné on Google

Gyönyörű templom. Csodálatos belsőépítészeti kialakitásokkal, és szemét gyönyörködtető, varázslatos an szép freskókkal. Mindenkinek ajánlom a megtekintését. Megnyugtató, szíveket melengető, katedrális.
Beautiful church. With amazing interior designs and eye-catching, magical and beautiful frescoes. I recommend everyone to watch it. Soothing, heart-warming cathedral.
Gabriela POPA on Google

După primii pași spre interior realizezi cu uimire ce armonie există între picturile in culori superbe, sfintele icoane, iluminatul interior si razele soarelui ce pătrund prin ferestre si iti spui că adevărata lumină aici este si nu afară!
After the first steps inwards, you realize with amazement what harmony there is between the paintings in beautiful colors, the holy icons, the interior lighting and the sun's rays entering through the windows and you tell yourself that the real light here is and not outside!
István Vecsernyés on Google

Egyedülálló a maga nemében a Szent Miklós Katedrális, ha ellátogatsz Gyulára szánj rá kis időt, megéri. Jó lenni benne.
St. Nicholas Cathedral is unique, if you visit Gyula, take some time. It's good to be in it.
Vlad Zacharias on Google

I was quite surprised to find an Orthodox Church in Hungary. But I found out that actually here is an important Romanian community. Many people actually speaking Romanian ?. The church is the Orthodox Episcopate from Hungary. It’s has a lot of history behind. If you visit Gyula it’s a must see
ojurca45 on Google

In my capacity of member of the Romanian Orthodox Church Assembly in Hungary, I attended the annual gathering of this forum. We listened the reports of different activities of the Church during 2021, approved them and endorsed the Budget and the work plan for 2022. It was a holiday of Romanian Orthodox community and a very good opportunity to strengthening the solidarity and the support of the Romanian ethnics from Hungary around their church. A very good note for the Hungarian state for its support to keeping in good shape the monuments of ethnic minorities.

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