Secure Contain Protect Facility - Secure Contain Protect Facility

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Secure Contain Protect Facility

Address :

Kiss József u 2, 7300 Hungary

Postal code : 2
Categories :

Kiss József u 2, 7300 Hungary
Kayo Ahmed on Google

Nice place, what were those 4 pix... If you couldn't tell this was a meme, I do want to visit though. Pretty spooky.
Nathan Sangi on Google

Funni i found scp 69420
Delta Squad on Google

Attention, Chaos Insurgents have entered the facility.
Hakced on Google

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lizard came otu of it................. it cal ssp sicks eit tvoo
BoomBot on Google

Wow wasn't that fun! I saw the orange blob which is called SCP-999. And even SCP-2521! It looked--
Wilda Esra on Google

Maybe scp wiki is lying that scp foundation is fiction, apparently scp foundation is on google maps!! "This is not fake"??????????
Mr.Kyborg Ádám on Google

It was an interesting experience, I did not know that the real Stie 19 was so close to my home, I will totally come again. Get ready for me Dr.Bright! You will be my playmate!
Eye 3y3 on Google

It was a very [REDACTED] experience! There was a [REDACTED] but [DATA EXPUNGED] There's great staff, alot of great security and overall, this place is amazing! Though I saw 096's fa- AAAHH SCP-096 was then after re-contained by Mobile Task Force unit Alpha-9, designated "Last Hope" in sector-[REDACTED] The area was later secured by [DATA EXPUNGED] -End Log-

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