SEK Budapest International School - SEK Budapest International School

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

SEK Budapest International School (Hungary) -

Az iskolaválasztás egy fontos és összetett folyamat, és célunk, hogy segítsük a szülőket ennek a döntésnek a meghozásában.

Több mint 30 ország képviselteti magát diákjaink között, nemzetközi környezetünkben elkötelezettek vagyunk amellett, hogy jól felépített tantervünk a tanulás megszeretését inspirálja, képessé tegye a diákokat arra, hogy mindig a legjobbat hozzák ki belőlük, és elérjék a bennük rejlő lehetőségeket a tanulmányi eredmények, a teljesítmény és kreativitás terén is. Tanítási filozófiánk a diákközpontú, személyre szabott oktatás, hiszünk abban, hogy a tanárok és a szülők közötti szoros együttműködés a tanulók egészséges fejlődését szolgálja. A törődés, az együttműködés és az azonos célokért való közös munka boldoggá és motiválttá teszi iskolai közösségünket, magas tanulmányi eredményekkel.

A SEK Budapest Óvoda, Általános Iskola és Gimnázium angol és magyar nyelvű tantervet kínál, a spanyol mint második nyelv intenzív nyelvi programmal minden korosztály számára. Három szinten kínálunk oktatást 3-18 éves diákjainknak, hogy segítsük őket az intellektuális, személyes, érzelmi és szociális készségek fejlesztésében, hogy élni, tanulni és dolgozni tudjanak egy gyorsan globalizálódó világban. Az iskola 2005-ben kapta meg az IB World School engedélyt, és azóta a 11-12. évfolyamos diákok számára a rangos International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programot kínálja. A magyar anyanyelvűek számára a magyar érettségi vizsga is elérhető.

Iskolánkba előzetes bejelentkezés után, tanév közben is szívesen fogadunk látogatókat, mert fontosnak tartjuk, hogy az érdeklődők láthassák a mindennapi működésünket.

Ha szeretne iskolánkba jelentkezni és elindítani a felvételi folyamatot, kérjük, nézze meg a felvételi lépésekről szóló információkat.

Krisztián Hegedűs

Contact SEK Budapest International School

Address :

Hűvösvölgyi út 131, 1021 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +998
Postal code : 131
Website :
Categories :

Hűvösvölgyi út 131, 1021 Hungary
K S on Google

overall, good
Roxána Hossó on Google

Great education program, well-trained teachers and nice environment.
Enerel Bat-Ochir on Google

Find the international community and the environment
luciane szabo on Google

The worst teachers you can find in town. Not to mention it is filthy and smelly. Don't waste your money on this school.
diablogun on Google

Worse school ever. Rude administrators and very poor understanding of English.
Jasmin Amer on Google

They are very nice and helpful!
Phuong Lam on Google

This school is only suitable for Hungarian students or students that honestly want to learn Hungarian or Spanish, If your child wants to focus on speaking fluently in English then I do not recommend you to attend this school. A few teachers often quit working even when the school year is still not over due to their personal reasons, which students don't have a teacher in charge of the class for about 2-3 months, practically leads to the lack of knowledge. Also, the conversation during class is mostly in Hungarian except for the English class, so if your child doesn't speak Hungarian, then it's going to be quite uncomfortable at school. Most students come from other countries are not very satisfied with the education system that they are getting.
Edward Krudy on Google

The school is generally very good. Pupils appear relaxed and engaged and appear to enjoy attending. Relationships between teachers and pupils are strong and the level of teaching and learning is generally high. The school does not appear to offer much in the way of individual attention for children - either high performing or under achieving - preferring a one-size-fits-all approach. Communication with parents is not good and teachers, administrators, and support staff generally do not reply to emails, which can be frustrating. The school buildings and grounds are well maintained and the classrooms are bright and airy. The computer room has just been refurbished with Apple desktops. Space is limited and sports facilities are restricted to a gym hall and a small tarmac play area. The sports offering is not strong and like many schools in Hungary sports are seen as the remit of independent sports clubs; this is in contrast to UK and US schools where sports are seen as an essential part of school life. Outdoor play is not actively encouraged during breaks. Music and drama are limited, there is no choir or school band and the children do not have an opportunity to perform beyond an end of year play. Art for children in the lower school is mainly drawing and colouring once a week. The library is not well stocked and is limited to text books. It does not appear to be a destination for children looking to borrow books or to find somewhere quiet and comfortable to read. The turnover of staff is high and teachers often leave in the middle of the school year or even at the start, which causes disruptions to lessons. The school does not involve parents very much and there is no PTA, just informal social media groups set up by parents that can be dominated by two or three vocal parents. The school would certainly benefit from fostering a dialogue with parents. Despite some of the areas where improvements could be made the school remains very popular with children and parents. It is currently running near capacity. This could be partly due to the fact that it is the most modestly priced of the ‘international’ schools. Despite having a range of nationalities the school is mainly Hungarian. This may be an issue for non-Hungarian speakers who could feel shut out. It can also be an issue for Hungarian parents who are paying in the hopes of a higher level of exposure to English. Native English speakers should be aware that the level of teaching in English does not correspond to the level in the same year group of a school where English is the main language. In this sense English teaching can sometimes look more like teaching English as a second language. Despite some of the issues, in general SEK Budapest is very a good school that could be an excellent school with the necessary improvements.

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