Siklósi Piac és Vásárcsarnok

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Siklósi Piac és Vásárcsarnok

Address :

608 hrsz, 7800 Hungary

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City : hrsz

608 hrsz, 7800 Hungary
Robert Rat on Google

Mala pijaca sa lepom lokalnom druželjubivom atmosferom. Definitino je doživljaj sesti u neki od onih malih birtija i osetiti draž druženja sa lokalcima, za one koji vole taj tip "turizma". Uvek imaš sa kim popričati iako ne poznaješ nikoga.
Small market with a nice local friendly atmosphere. It's definitely an experience to sit in one of those little birthes and feel the curiosity of meeting with locals, for those who love this type of "tourism". You always have someone to talk to, even though you do not know anyone.
József Gyöngyösi on Google

Finom volt az étel.
The food was delicious.
Darko Orešković on Google

Ljepota i urednost za primjer. Bravo Mađari!!! Pitam se kako mogu za Jednu- do dvije godine imati krasotu 25 km od Valpova? Možda su sposobni ili je predsjednik države počasni građanin?! Jako dobro susjedi!!!! Ima malo i mađarske Arizone u Harkanyu!!! Da,još jedna bitna stvar: zavidna čistoća šireg centra Šikloša oduševljava!
Beauty and neatness for example. Bravo Hungarians !!! I wonder how in one to two years I can have a beauty 25 km from Valpovo? Maybe they are capable or is the President of the country an honorary citizen ?! Very good neighbors !!!! There is also a little bit of Arizona Arizona in Harkany !!! Yes, one more important thing: the enviable cleanliness of the wider center of Siklos is thrilling!
R van der Vrdi on Google

Sajnos minden zárva volt amikor ott voltunk. Pedig jó lenne, ha lenne egy pecsenyés is nyitva.
Unfortunately, everything was closed when we were there. And it would be nice to have a roast open as well.
Bodnár György on Google

Zárás előtt 20 perccel kimenni cigizni, az kicsit gáz, főként hogy még 5en vártunk arra, hogy bérletet vegyünk. Emellett szakszerű gyors kiszolgálás volt
Going out to smoke 20 minutes before closing, a little gas, especially since we were still waiting for 5 to buy a pass. It also had professional fast service
Lajos Kántor on Google

Nagyon jó a zöldség, gyümölcs és hús választék.
The selection of vegetables, fruits and meat is very good.
Judit Schemann on Google

Bő választék, udvarias tanácsadás☺
Wide selection, polite advice☺
Gyula Hajas on Google

Minőségi zöldségek, gyümölcsök és húsárú, nagyon kedvező áron. Legalábbis a Balatonhoz képest.

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