Söke Hungária Kft. - Söke Hungária Kft.

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Söke Hungária Kft.

Address :

Győri út 1, 9228 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +97
Postal code : 1
Website : http://www.jardenhomefamily.com/
Categories :

Győri út 1, 9228 Hungary
Katalin Mátyás on Google

Igazábol értékelhetettlen!!!!!Sóval kellene behinteni!
Really invaluable !!!!! It should be sprinkled with salt!
Áron Marosi on Google

Munkatársakat keresünk 2 vagy 3 műszakba
We are looking for employees for 2 or 3 shifts
Jiří Kufner on Google

Rychlá vykladka a dá se parkovat přes noc
Fast unloading and parking overnight
Сергей Сафонов on Google

Очень долгая загрузка. А после загрузки ещё стоишь долго ждёшь документы ?
Very long loading time. And after downloading, you still stand for a long time waiting for the documents ?
Marek Lato on Google

Ta gwiazdka to za dużo. Jakąś masakra 7 godz czekania i nic się nie dzieje. Kierowcę mają za śmiecia, śmieją się z pogardą w twarz. chamstwo!!
This star is too much. Some 7-hour waiting massacre and nothing happens. They think the driver is rubbish, they laugh in the face with contempt. rabble!!
Максим Ерней on Google

Мало того, что мне выкатили рохлю и сказали грузить самому, так еще и в документах указали не тот адрес, выперли с криками за территорию и разбирайся с кем хочешь и как хочешь. Дело было под закрытие, некогда было им разбираться видимо.
Not only did they roll out the junk and told me to load it myself, they also indicated the wrong address in the documents, they kicked me out of the territory with shouts and deal with whoever you want and how you want. The case was under closure, there was no time for them to understand apparently.
Mariusz Paluch on Google

Komuna dalej żyje... czekać czekać czekać... Więcej chęci do pracy ma moja 80 Lat babcia ... Porażka totalna... 4 h na rozładunek to za mało... Oby tak dalej naewno zaliczą do krajów zacofanych !!!
Commune is still alive ... wait wait wait ... My 80-year-old grandmother is more willing to work ... Total failure ... 4 hours for unloading is not enough ... Let them continue to be classified as underdeveloped countries !!!
Csaba Gável on Google

Nagyon lassú a lerakodás, nyitásra érkeztem, és még várok,(3óra). Aki teheti kerülje el ezt a céget. Rakodások lassan mennek. Körülmények "mostohák".
Unloading is very slow, I have arrived to open and I am still waiting (3 hours). Anyone who can avoid this company. Loading is slow. Circumstances "stepmothers".

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