Specto Darts Club - Specto Darts Club

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Specto Darts Club

Address :

Török u. 6, 1023 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +789
Postal code : 6
Categories :

Török u. 6, 1023 Hungary
SipiZork on Google

Máté Kovács on Google

István Nagy on Google

Gürcan İşineri on Google

Ramóna Berki on Google

Szabolcs Mohácsi on Google

Robert Simon on Google

Dávid Ujvári on Google

Nagyon tetszett! Nagyon profik voltak a felszerelesek! Es kedves volt az elado! Mindenkinek tudom ajanlani! Es ha meg nincsen meg a kiforrot suly es forma amivel jatszol itt nagyon nagy a valsztek?❤
I really liked! They were very professional fitters! And the seller was nice! I can recommend to everyone! And if you do not have the mature weight and shape you play here, there is a great deal of potential

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