Szeged City Hall - Szeged City Hall

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Contact Szeged City Hall

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Széchenyi tér 10, 6720 Hungary

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Széchenyi tér 10, 6720 Hungary
Ibolya Kasza on Google

Miért nem indíják el a fűtést? Önök biztos nem 18 fokos irodában dolgoznak, és otthon sem 18 fok van a lakásban. Ráadásul szeptember 15-től van fűtési idény!!
Why don't they start the heating? You certainly don’t work in an 18 degree office, and you don’t have an 18 degree apartment in your home either. In addition, there is a heating season from September 15 !!
Gabriel E. on Google

Szégyen, hogy belülről nem akarják megmutatni ezt a csodálatos épületet az ország többi részéből érkező turistáknak. Pedig jó bevételi forrás lehetne, főleg ha a toronyba is fel lehetne menni. Ajánlanám a szabadkai városháza pozitív példáját!
It is a shame that they do not want to show this magnificent building to tourists from the rest of the country from the inside. Yet it could be a good source of revenue, especially if you could go up to the tower as well. I would recommend the positive example of the Subotica City Hall!
Attila Berta on Google

Nagyon szép épület, a hangverseny is nagyon hangulatos lehet, de amikor ott jártunk éppen nem volt, sajnos az épületbe egyénileg nem lehet felmenni.
It's a very nice building, the concert can be very cozy, but when we were there it was unfortunately not possible to go up to the building individually.
Gábor Palotai on Google

A Széchenyi térről nyílik a Városháza gyönyörű copf stílusú épülete.
The Széchenyi Square overlooks the beautiful building of the City Hall in the city.
Zoltán Sóskuti on Google

A szegedi városháza Szeged megyei jogú város főterén, a Széchenyi tér 10. szám alatt található copf stílusú műemlék épület. Első formájában 1728-ban készült el. 1799 és 1805 között újjáépítették Vedres István tervei alapján. 1849 júliusában a két alkalommal itt ülésező országgyűlés emelte törvényerőre a zsidók egyenjogúságát és a nemzetiségi törvényt, majd augusztus 5-én Haynau az épület régi tornyából figyelte a szőregi csata eseményeit, mígnem egy magyar ágyúlövedék csaknem eltalálta. Ez a torony falába fúródott ágyúgolyó sokáig a szabadságharc egyik szegedi emléke volt. Az 1879-es szegedi nagy árvíz után a belvárost fel kellett tölteni, így 1883-ban új emeletet húztak rá, s az épületet eklektikus-neobarokk stílusban Lechner Ödön és Pártos Gyula tervei szerint átalakították.
The Szeged Town Hall is a copf style monument building on Széchenyi tér 10, the main square of Szeged. In its first form it was completed in 1728. Between 1799 and 1805 it was rebuilt according to the plans of István Vedres. In July 1849, the Parliament, which met twice, enacted Jewish equality and nationality law, and on August 5, Haynau watched the Battle of Szőreg from the old tower of the building until a Hungarian cannonball nearly hit it. This cannonball drilled into the wall of the tower had long been one of the memories of the War of Independence in Szeged. After the Great Flood of Szeged in 1879 the downtown had to be refilled, so in 1883 a new floor was built and the building was rebuilt in eclectic-neo-baroque style by Ödön Lechner and Gyula Pártos.
László Palásti on Google

Kívül belül nagyon szép épület. A története szorosan kapcsolódik az 1879-es nagy árvízhez. Az udvarának kiváló az akusztikája, néha koncertek vannak.
Outside is a very nice building. Its history is closely linked to the great flood of 1879. The courtyard has excellent acoustics, sometimes there are concerts.
Gheorghe Corobceanu on Google

Clădirea ocru-galben, cu turn cu ceas și acoperiș cu țiglă smalțuită colorată, este a treia primărie care se află în acest loc. Prima a fost ridicată în 1728, a doua - reconstruită între 1799-1805 după planurile arhitectului Istvan Vedres, iar a treia (aceasta) - reconstruită în 1883 (după marea inundație), când s-a ridicat un nou etaj și s-a stabilit forma actuală. Monumentul, în stil neo-baroc, este opera arhitecților Ödön Lechner și Gyula Partos, după planurile cărora au fost construite mai multe primării în diverse orașe din imperiu. Pe frontispiciul fațadei este statuia Păsării Phoenix, ca simbol al renașterii orașului după catastrofala inundație. Interiorul clădirii este și el frumos și bogat ornamentat (din câte am văzut în poze; nu știu dacă se vizitează). Primăria este situată în Piața Szechenyi.
The ocher-yellow building, with a clock tower and a roof with colored glazed tiles, is the third town hall to be located in this place. The first was built in 1728, the second - rebuilt between 1799-1805 according to the plans of the architect Istvan Vedres, and the third (this one) - rebuilt in 1883 (after the great flood), when a new floor was built and the current shape was established. The monument, in neo-baroque style, is the work of architects Ödön Lechner and Gyula Partos, according to whose plans several town halls were built in various cities in the empire. On the frontispiece of the facade is the statue of the Phoenix Bird, as a symbol of the city's rebirth after the catastrophic flood. The interior of the building is also beautiful and richly decorated (from what I saw in the pictures; I don't know if it is visited). The town hall is located in Szechenyi Square.
Sorin Petrica on Google

O cladire deosebit de frumoasa si reprezentativa pentru orasul Szeged, aici fiind si sediul primariei.
A very beautiful and representative building for the city of Szeged, here is also the town hall.

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