Tálas-Major Vendégház - Tálas-Major Vendégház

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tálas-Major Vendégház

Address :

Cserepes tanya 34, 4253 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +797
Postal code : 34
Website : https://talas-majorvendeghaz.hu/
Categories :

Cserepes tanya 34, 4253 Hungary
Annamária Ignácz on Google

Kedves, vendégszerető személyzet, tiszta környezet , finom kávé és ételek. Szuper hely, ajánlom! ?
Nice, hospitable staff, clean environment, delicious coffee and food. Great place, I recommend! ?
Beatrix Miskolczi on Google

Csodálatos Emberek.!?? És Nagyon Szeretek Itt Dolgozni.! ?
Wonderful People.! ?? And I really like working here! ?
László Dora on Google

Egy íjász verseny alaptábora volt az elmúlt hétvégén. Kedvesek, segítőkészek, jól felszerelt ek. Saját tanösvény táblákkal, padokkal. Saját kilátó, jó magas! Reggel és este szaladgáló mezei nyulak, rikácsoló fácánok. Köszönjük, hogy itt lehettünk, jó választás volt.
It was the base camp for an archery competition last weekend. They are kind, helpful, well equipped. Own educational trail with boards and benches. My lookout, good high! Rabbits running in the morning and evening, pheasants squealing. Thank you for being here, it was a good choice.
László Nyisztor on Google

Csodálatos környezetben finomnál finomabb ételek. Nagyon kedves vendégszeretö személyzet. ♥️
More delicious food in a wonderful setting. Very kind hospitable staff. ♥ ️
Radek Schneider on Google

❤️ srdeční lidé...pomohli nám a zachránili, když jsme v noci potřebovali ubytovat a ráno pro nás měli snídani a kávu...naprosto bezkonkurenční.
❤️ cordial people ... helped us and saved us when we needed to stay at night and had breakfast and coffee for us in the morning ... absolutely unbeatable.
Валентина Яценко on Google

приехали поздно ночью, нас встретила хозяйка очень радушно, Чистота,как в операционной ))) утром накормили очень вкусным завтраком. если еще раз буду в Венгрии обязательно заеду целенаправлено. Очень хорошие,добрые,щедрые люди!!
we arrived late at night, the hostess greeted us very cordially, Cleanliness, as in an operating room))) in the morning we were fed a very tasty breakfast. If I'm in Hungary again, I'll definitely stop by purposefully. Very nice, kind, generous people!!
Radek Schneider on Google

Neskuteční lidé ? pomohli v nouzi, ubytovali nás ve 2 hodiny ráno, když jsme přijížděli z Rumunska po několika dnech v autě. Vřele doporučuji. Krásné prostředí, zázemí a full servis.
Unbelievable people ? helped in an emergency, they accommodated us at 2 o'clock in the morning, when we arrived from Romania in a car after a few days. I warmly recommend. Beautiful surroundings, facilities and full service.
Beáta Lovásznè on Google

A vendégházban esküvőn és lakodalomban vettünk részt. A helyszín csodálatos, távol a város zajától, erdei környezetben. A tulajdonos házaspár rendkívül készséges segítőkész, nagyon kedvesek barátságosak. Mindent megtesznek a vendégért. A kiszolgàlás és vendéglátás kiváló volt. Az ételek haziasak nagyon finomak. Kiemelném a háziasszony àlltal dagasztott kemencében sült kenyeret és az egészben sült ropogós malac sültet. De a csigaleves és töltött káposzta is nagyon finom volt. A vendégházak nagyszerűek. Minőségi szállást nyújtanak. A gyerekek kikapcsolódására egy remek jàtszótér épült. Ajánlom családoknak , pihenni vágyóknak, vagy leendő hazasuloknak csodálatos esküvői helyszínként. Mi egy szuper esküvőn voltunk itt, minden tökéletes volt. Mindenért jár az öt ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ We attended a wedding and wedding at the guest house. The location is amazing, away from the noise of the city, in a forest setting. The owner couple is extremely helpful and helpful, very kind and friendly. They will do everything for the guest. The service and hospitality was excellent. The food is very delicious. I would highlight the bread baked in the housewife’s kneaded oven and the whole crispy pork roast. But the snail soup and stuffed cabbage were also very delicious. The guest houses are great. They provide quality accommodation. A great playground has been built for the children to relax. I recommend it to families, those who want to relax, or their future loved ones as a wonderful wedding venue. We were here for a super wedding, everything was perfect. For all, the five ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
We attended a wedding and wedding at the guest house. The location is amazing, away from the noise of the city, in a forest setting. The owner couple is extremely helpful and helpful, very kind and friendly. They will do everything for the guest. The service and hospitality was excellent. The food is very delicious. I would highlight the bread baked in the oven kneaded by the housewife and the whole crispy pork roast. But the snail soup and stuffed cabbage were also very delicious. The guest houses are great. They provide quality accommodation. A great playground has been built for the children to relax. I recommend it to families, those who want to relax, or their future homemakers as a wonderful wedding venue. We were here for a super wedding, everything was perfect. For all, the five ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ We attended a wedding and a wedding at the guest house. The location is amazing, away from the noise of the city, in a forest setting. The owner couple is extremely helpful and helpful, very kind and friendly. They will do everything for the guest. The service and hospitality was excellent. The food is very delicious. I would highlight the bread baked in the housewife's kneaded oven and the whole crispy pork roast. But the snail soup and stuffed cabbage were also very delicious. The guest houses are great. They provide quality accommodation. A great playground has been built for the children to relax. I recommend it to families, those who want to relax, or their future loved ones as a wonderful wedding venue. We were here for a super wedding, everything was perfect. For all, the five ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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