Telekom üzlet Debrecen Fórum - Fórum

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Telekom üzlet Debrecen Fórum

Fórum, Csapó u. 30, 4029 Hungary
Bela Gyula on Google

Sajnos nem sikerült, elintézni az ügyez, mert kiderült az, hogy csaló üzenetet kaptam azzal a szöveggel, hogy 3 ezer ft. levásárolható kedvezményt kaptam ! Potenciális átverés !!!
Unfortunately, it was not possible to settle the case, because it turned out that I had received a fraudulent message with the text that 3 thousand ft. I got a discount on sale! Potential scam !!!
Robert Szilagyi on Google

Az ügyintézés minőségét. Évek óta járok a Fórum Telekom üzletében ügyet intézni és nagyon jó a csapat. Több mint 12 éve vagyok ügyfél és eddig minden problémámat eddig gyorsan, rugalmasan és többször proaktívan oldották meg. Legutóbb szerződéshosszabbítást írtam alá készülékvásárlással. Az ottani egyik ügyintéző Hári Balázs még a lejárat előtt megcsinálta az előzetes kalkulációt, a készülékkedvezményt, amikor megjött a készülék értesített, előkészítette az iratokat és már csak be kellett mennem aláírni. Ezt hívják ügyfélközpontú ügyintézésnek.
The quality of administration. I have been going to the Forum Telekom store for years to deal with a matter and the team is very good. I have been a client for more than 12 years and so far all my problems have been solved quickly, flexibly and repeatedly proactively. I last signed a contract extension with the purchase of a device. One of the clerks there, Balázs Hári, did the preliminary calculation before the expiration, the device discount, when the device was notified, he prepared the documents and I just had to go and sign. This is called customer-centric administration.
Vasoli90 on Google

Kishegyesi úti Telekom üzletben sikerült elrontani a készülékrendelést és 2 hónapja tartó személyes, telefonos és netes beszélgetés után sikerült megoldaniuk a problémát az első látogatás alkalmával. Vevőközpontúság jellemzi. Update: Mégiscsak sikerült nekik is elrontani, mert egy nem kért net stickre rakták rá a teljes készülékkedvezményt, így ellehetetlenítve az új telefonra való felhasználást.
They managed to spoil the device order in the Telekom store in Kishegyesi út and after 2 months of personal, telephone and online conversations, they managed to solve the problem on the first visit. It is characterized by customer focus. Update: Still, they managed to spoil it too, because they put the full device discount on an unsolicited net stick, making it impossible to use it on the new phone.
Milán Vajda on Google

25 perc várakozás után kiderült, hogy az egyik háttérrendszer hibája/leállítása miatt igazából semmit sem tudtam intézni. Hogy honnan kellett volna tudnom? Ők is reggel tudták meg. :D
After waiting 25 minutes, it turned out that I couldn't really do anything due to a fault / shutdown of one of the background systems. How should I have known? They found out in the morning too. : D
John Chinonso Egu on Google

Service succinctly exceptional! ❤️ Fixed my internet at home in less than a week. It's 7 weeks now and UPC not yet fixed it.
Talha Chicho on Google

Uncooperative customer service, usless branch for technical issues and waste of time. 2 days and no one could fix my internet although they say its fixed! Conclusion: sales employees and an internet company who their shop employ dumbs in internet.
Marie Sae on Google

I wish I could give the workers there a Zero star rating. When the sim card registration started I went there with a friend and after waiting for a very long time we got to the counter and were told to pay to be registered or risk losing our numbers and buy a new sim card (number). It was weird because the people before us were not told to pay. What we noticed was we the non-White people were asked to pay. We refused and went to another branch. When we got there and narrated our ordeal, the workers there said we were not supposed to pay for anything. The process was free and found it strange that they asked us to pay. The award for the worst branch goes to the one in forum.
施怡然 on Google

The customer service is so bad and the worker there is like super mean I tried to solve a problem there I didn’t solve it at the first time but I thought it was OK Then the person came here to solve the problem with me I want a English worker he started to talk English with me at the beginning then the person who I wanted to solve problem with starting to talk him in Hungarian and the workers just stop talking to me in English and I wanted him to talk in English instead he rolled his eyes I asked him first that whether I need to have both passport and resident permit to register a phone number he said yes but dad the person who I want to solve problem was talking in Hungarian he just started to lie What kind of customer service is that seriously!!!!

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