Veszprém Academic Commission - Veszprém Academic Commission

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Contact Veszprém Academic Commission

Address :

Vár u. 37, 8200 Hungary

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 37
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Categories :

Vár u. 37, 8200 Hungary
Olivér Kardos on Google

Szántó Attila on Google

Janos Abonyi on Google

Csilla Bogdán on Google

Szabolcs Szikszai on Google

Drávucz kanonok egykori háza a Vár utca nyugati felének utolsó előtti, szépen felújított épülete. Jelenleg az MTA Veszprémi Bizottságának (VEAB) apparátusát találjuk itt, akik előszeretettel szerveznek az emeleti előadóterembe konferenciákat, workshopokat vagy éppen a népszerű Tudósklub összejöveteleit. A masszív, ódon hangulatú épület és a kilátás a Viaduktra nagyszerű hátteret biztosít a tudományos munkának.
The former house of the Drávucz canons is the penultimate, beautifully renovated building on the western side of Vár utca. At the moment, we can find the apparatus of the Veszprém Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (VEAB), who like to organize conferences, workshops or the meetings of the popular Science Club in the upstairs lecture hall. The rugged, ancient-style building and views of the Viaduct provide a great backdrop for scientific work.
Israel on Google

Bonitas vistas de la ciudad de Veszprém. Estatua de rey Stephen I y la reina Gisela.
Nice views of the city of Veszprém. Statue of King Stephen I and Queen Gisela.
Viktor Tóth on Google

The area is gorgeous!
Walter Ribeiro on Google

These Saints' statues are at the end of road net to the Cathedral (there is a bifurcation, take the left road and you''ll find them). There are a few binoculars next to it that you can use (HUF 200 to use) and see the region from this point, which is a vantage point well above the rest of the city. If you take the other leg of road (in the bifurcation) can keep going down you will find a tiny icecream shop that will serve you a very very tasty icecream. I tried Citrum (Lemon) and Vanila...delicious!!! The whole city is highly recommended.

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